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rough nights

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Every year we reach the magical 12 rough nights (also known as Glöckelnächte, Innernächt, Rauchnächt or Christmas), which last on the night of Christmas Eve, i.e. from December 25th to January 6th (six days before and six days after the New Year - for some, however, these days begin as early as December 21st) and are accompanied by a strong energetic potential. In this context, the rough nights were also considered holy nights by our ancestors (The information of holiness), which is why we celebrated extensively on these nights and devoted ourselves to the family. On the other hand, earlier cultures used these days for ritual and ceremonial purposes. As a result, smoke was smoked extensively, future predictions were made and other profound ceremonies were practiced (I myself practice e.g. The well-known wish ritual, i.e. you take 13 pieces of paper, write down a wish on each piece of paper, ideally formulated as a wish that has already been fulfilled, fold/crumple up the pieces of paper, put them in a bowl, “blindly” draw a piece of paper every night and leave burn this. In the coming months, every wish will gradually come true. The thirteenth remaining wish represents a wish that requires a lot of focus and action on our part - the important thing is to feel internally, believe or, even more effectively, know that the wishes will come true or that the ritual works. Always remember that every ritual carries deep energetic magic and resonates on a spiritual level! Your own mind decides, creates, works, does magic).

The meaning of the 12 rough nights

The meaning of the 12 rough nightsIn this context, the Rauhnächte (especially the first rough nights) a period in which you can reflect more on yourself and mentally prepare for the new year. They represent the return of souls and are intended to significantly strengthen our bond with the world beyond (Deepening our spirituality, strengthening our spirit and fulfilling hidden ideas). It used to be said that ghost apparitions occurred much more frequently during the 12th rough nights. The term Rauhnächte also comes from “rough” (this was used to describe the appearance of negative energies), although it is now assumed that these days used to be called smoke nights. People smoked incense and practiced appropriate rituals to drive away and redeem evil, bad and unpleasant things, or rather to be able to release impurities, disharmonious energies and lower frequency circumstances. Apart from that, smoking with mugwort, lavender, sage, incense or even spruce resin for purification and caused a strong attraction of pure energies. On the other hand, the rough nights are also often viewed as magical miracle nights in which our ideas and encounters experience increased manifestation in the coming months. These days/nights are therefore of great magical power and can therefore create a fundamental energetic consolidation within our own minds.

Become aware of our true power

Rough nightFor this reason, these 12 days also represent a time of reconnection to our light being (high frequency, our divine nature - you yourself are the source or the divine - creating everything - everything arises from your own spirit, an ancient connection that is strongly recurring in the current times and can be felt particularly strongly in the rough nights) and show us our own creative potential in a very special way (Fate lies in your own hands - only by changing your own inner world can fundamental changes occur in the outer world). We do not have to succumb to disharmonious circumstances, but rather we can use our POWERFUL IMAGINATION to create a life that is completely in line with our deepest desires. Ultimately, these days are about our deepest attitudes and consequently also about the associated relationship with ourselves. It is about recognizing our own inner unrest and, as a result, creating a state of consciousness in which not only a harmonious self-image is manifest , but also an inner balance. Because, as I said, our self-image ALWAYS transfers to the outside world and gives us circumstances that are based on the quality of our own self-image. And as a creator you are able to change the direction of your own self-image at any time (the outer world will always confirm what one is oneself - as on the inside, so on the outside and vice versa - Whoever bathes spiritually in abundance will create circumstances on the outside, which in turn will make you realize that you are in abundance – i.e. circumstances based on abundance. Aligning one's self-image with one's own divinity is therefore an extremely powerful act. As a divine authority itself, one then attracts circumstances that firstly confirm this self-image and secondly are based on divinity).

Take advantage of the rough nights

Well, ultimately we should completely surrender to the rough nights and once again dive deeply into our own divine source. Never forget that the entire existence is a product of one's mind, everything takes place in one's mind. Everything was born through one's own mind, on the one hand by allowing circumstances to come into one's own perception (and then created ideas about these circumstances - expanding one's mind to include a new circumstance), on the other hand, by recognizing information as truth for oneself, which allowed one to form ideas in corresponding directions/dimensions (The sentence: “I cannot imagine that makes it clear that as a creator you are not able to expand your own mind in the appropriate direction - it is not possible for you and therefore cannot be experienced - only when the changes one's own inner orientation). You yourself are the source and have GIGANTIC MAGICAL ABILITIES deep inside. In the coming high-intensity years, when the world will continue to change greatly, we will be faced with these skills. It will accompany the ever-increasing mass awakening. So let's celebrate the rough nights together and make the most of the transition into the new year. 2023 will be extremely stormy, but also clearing, which is why it is extremely important that we are energetically stable for this time. Rest, retreat, one natural/herbal food, spring water, meditation, silence and surrender to relaxing circumstances (indulge in calming activities) can now be incredibly inspiring. The same applies to smoking with appropriate plants to energetically cleanse your own home. At this point I will also link you to a small smoking guide from the site blog.sonnhof-ayurveda:

What you need for smoking besides the smoking bowls:

  • Fireproof bowl with smoking sand, coals and coal tongs
  • Alternatively: incense burner with incense sieve, tea lights for the warmer, aluminum foil if you want to smoke incense or other resins in the sieve

To smoke out the apartment, you first have to set up the fireproof bowl or incense burner. With the incense bowl, this works in such a way that charcoal is lit and left to glow in the sand until it forms white embers. You can add the crushed herbs or incense to it. This then starts to smoke quite heavily. You can use this to walk through the house, preferably from bottom to top. All rooms are entered individually and the smoke is distributed in every nook and cranny. The windows are closed and the smoke can also be spread further with a feather or a leaf. This can be done as often as desired. Some smoke incense once on Christmas Eve, some on Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve and Epiphany, some every night. You can dedicate each night to a different topic and choose the herbs accordingly. You can also burn messages on small pieces of paper if you want to get rid of something specific, strong and stressful. The smoking method is also a good idea when you move in, so to speak, in your new home tabula rasa and eliminate old disputes and burdens. Then open all windows and doors briefly to eliminate the smoke and with it the stressful energies and germs in the air. If you want, you can then smoke with fragrant, pleasant herbs without airing it afterwards.

Depending on what you want to focus on when smoking, you can use different incense. The most popular herbs that are particularly suitable for the rough nights are the following:

white sage – particularly cleanses, has a germicidal effect on the air, ensures peace and cleanses old energies from the air

incense – brings blessings and increases energy

Styrax – brings warmth and security and thereby removes emotional knots, which in turn increases self-confidence

mugwort – disinfects, similarly to sage, dissolves fears, drives away evil and allows a new beginning to go smoothly

With this in mind, continue to stay centered and enjoy the highly magical days. Stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Leave a Comment

    • Simone 21. December 2020, 7: 00

      Unfortunately I only know one tradition. Who knows them more accurately than me?
      Anyone on December 25.12th Washing bed linen will cause someone to die in January. December 26.12th stands for February, December 27.12th. for March etc
      Then there was something about cutting hair.
      And there was also something about cutting nails.
      Who knows more?

    Simone 21. December 2020, 7: 00

    Unfortunately I only know one tradition. Who knows them more accurately than me?
    Anyone on December 25.12th Washing bed linen will cause someone to die in January. December 26.12th stands for February, December 27.12th. for March etc
    Then there was something about cutting hair.
    And there was also something about cutting nails.
    Who knows more?
