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The origin of our life or the fundamental reason of our entire existence is of a mental nature. Here one also likes to speak of a great spirit, which in turn permeates everything and gives form to all existential states. The creation is therefore to be equated with the great spirit or consciousness. It springs from that spirit and experiences itself through that spirit, anytime, anywhere. We humans are therefore also a purely mental product and use our mind, whether consciously or unconsciously, to explore life.

Everything is spiritual in nature

dimensionsFor this reason, consciousness is also the supreme authority in existence. Nothing can be manifested or even experienced without consciousness. For this reason, our reality is also a pure product of our own mind (and the thoughts that accompany it). Everything we have experienced so far, for example, can be traced back to decisions that in turn have been legitimized in our minds. Whether it's the first kiss, the choice of a job, or even the daily foods we consume, every action we take is thought out first and is therefore a result of our mind. The preparation of a corresponding meal, for example, is also thought up first. One is hungry, thinks about what one could eat and then realizes the thought through the execution of the action (the consumption of a meal). Likewise, every invention was conceived first and also existed first as pure thought energy. Even every house first reigned supreme in a man's thought spectrum before it was built. The thought, or rather our spirit, represents the highest effective or creative instance/force in existence (nothing can be created or even experienced without consciousness). Since the overarching "great spirit" is expressed in every form of existence, i.e. becomes and has become manifest in everything, one could speak of an overarching main dimension and that is the all-encompassing dimension of spirit.

The different dimensions, at least from a spiritual point of view, are only indicators for different states of consciousness..!! 

But a plant has a completely different state of consciousness or creative expression than a human being. In exactly the same way, we humans can experience completely different states of consciousness with the help of our mind. With the seven dimensions (the number of dimensions differs in various treatises), the mind or consciousness is divided into different levels/states (a scale of consciousness).

The 1st Dimension - Minerals, Length and Unreflective Ideas

Seen from a "material" point of view (matter is also of a mental nature - here one also likes to speak of energy, which has a very dense state) is the 1st dimension, the dimensionality of the minerals. Consciousness and free will seem to play a subordinate role here. Everything works completely independently and serves to maintain various universal structures. From a physical point of view, the first dimension is again the dimension of length. Height and width do not exist in this dimension. From a spiritual point of view, this dimension can be viewed as a purely physical level. A completely ignorant state of consciousness or even one filled with suffering also flows in here.

The 2nd Dimension - plants, breadth and reflected ideas

cosmic dimensionsThe 2nd dimensionality refers to the plant world from a cosmic material point of view. Nature and plants are alive. Everything in universal existence is made up of conscious subtle energy, and this energy breathes life into every creation, into every existence. But plants cannot form 3-dimensional or 4-5 dimensional thought patterns and act on them like humanoid beings. Nature acts intuitively from the natural act of creation and strives for balance, harmony and maintenance or life. Therefore we should support nature in its plans instead of polluting or even destroying it due to our own egoistic mind. Everything that exists has life and it should be our duty to protect, respect and love other life or the human, animal and plant world. If you look at the 2nd dimension purely from a physical point of view, then in that the dimension of width. Now the previously mentioned stroke has a width added to it's length.

He becomes visible and starts casting a shadow. The previously mentioned unreflected idea of ​​first dimensionality is now reflected and splits into two opposites. For example, the idea pops up that there could be other life in space. But we cannot interpret this thought and on the one hand are open to the thought and believe in it, can vaguely imagine it, on the other hand our mind lacks the necessary knowledge for complete understanding and so the reflected thought splits into two incomprehensible opposites. We create trains of thought, but do not act on them, we only deal with thoughts to a limited extent, but do not manifest them, do not realize them.

The 3rd Dimension – being earthly or animal, dense energy, height and exploration of free will

Torus, energy dimensionThe 3rd dimension is by far the densest dimensionality (Density = Low Vibrating Energy/Lower Thoughts). It is the reality level of our 3 dimensional, earthly being. Here we experience and manifest conscious thinking and free action. From a human point of view, the 3rd dimensionality is therefore the dimension of action or limited action.

The previously reflected thought comes alive here and manifests itself in physical reality (I have understood, for example, how, why and why extraterrestrial life exists and embody this knowledge in my existence. If someone speaks to me about this topic, I refer back to this knowledge and manifest the train of thought in the form of words/sound in physical reality). The 3rd dimension is also a haven for lower thoughts. In this dimension, our thinking is limited or we limit our thinking ourselves, since we only understand and believe what we see (we only believe in matter, coarseness). We are not yet aware of the all pervasive energy, the morphogenetic energy fields, and are acting out of selfish limiting patterns. We do not understand life and often judge what other people say or we judge situations and what is said that does not correspond to our worldview.

We mostly act out of our own negative programming (conditioned behavior patterns stored in the subconscious). We let ourselves be guided by the egoistic, three-dimensional mind and can thus experience the duality of life. This level of his was created to explore our free will, we are in this level to create only negative and positive experiences and then learn and understand from them afterwards. From a physical point of view, the height is added to the length and width. Spatiality or spatial, three-dimensional thinking finds its origin here.

The 4th Dimension - Spirit, Time and Lightbody Development

Time is a 3 dimensional illusionIn the 4th dimensionality, time is added to the spatial concept. Time is a mysterious formless structure that often limits and guides our physical life. Most people follow the times and often put themselves under pressure as a result. But time is relative and therefore controllable, changeable. Since everyone has their own reality, everyone has their own sense of time.

If I do something with friends and have a lot of fun, then the time actually goes by faster for me. But over time we often limit our own abilities. We often hold ourselves to negative thoughts, past or future, thereby referring to negativity. We often live in worry, unaware that worrying is just an abuse of our imagination. For example, many partners in a relationship become jealous, worry, and fantasize about their partner's cheating. One draws negativity from a situation that doesn't actually exist, only in one's own mind, and over time, due to the Law of Resonance, is likely to draw that situation into one's life. Or we feel inferior because of past situations and events and thus draw a lot of pain from the past. But in truth, time is just an illusionary construct that exclusively characterizes physical, spatial existence.

Actually, time doesn't exist in the traditional sense. Past, present and future situations are only silhouettes of the present moment. We do not live in time, but in the "now", an eternally existing, expanding moment that has always existed, is and will be. The 4th dimension is also often referred to as light body development (the light body represents our own complete subtle dress). We are all in what is called the light body process. This process means the complete mental and spiritual development of the current human being. We are all currently evolving into fully conscious, multidimensional beings and developing a light body in the process. (Merkaba = Light Body = Energetic Body, Light = High Vibrating Energy/Positive Thoughts and Feelings).

The 5th Dimension - Love, subtle understanding and self-awareness

Portal to the 5th dimension?The 5th dimension is a light and very light dimension. Lower acts of creation find no footing here and cease to exist. In this dimensionality, only light, love, harmony and freedom rule. Many people believe that the transition to the 5th dimension will be similar to science fiction (three-dimensional thinking leaves us with the limited belief that dimensional changes must always be of a physical nature, i.e. we go through a portal and thus enter a new dimension). But in reality, the transition to the 5th dimension occurs on a mental and spiritual level. The 5th dimension, like every dimension or every living being, has a certain vibration frequency and by raising the natural vibration (high vibrating food, positive thoughts, feelings and actions) we synchronize or adapt to the 5 dimensional vibration structure.

The more love, harmony, joy and peace we manifest in our reality, the more we embody 5 dimensional acting, feeling and thinking. 5 dimensional living people understand that the entire universe, that everything in existence consists of energy and that this energy vibrates due to the particles it contains (atoms, electrons, protons, Higgs boson particles, etc.). One understands that the universes, galaxies, planets, people, animals and nature consist of the same high-vibrational energy flowing through everything. One no longer torments oneself with base behaviors such as envy, jealousy, greed, hatred, intolerance or other base behavior patterns, because one has understood that these thoughts correspond to a base nature and only cause harm. One sees life as a great illusion and begins to fully understand the connections of life.

The 6th dimension – Emotions of a higher nature, identification with God and overriding action

Universal LightThe 6th dimension is an even lighter and lighter dimensionality compared to the 5th dimension. One could also describe the 6th dimension as a place, a state of higher emotions, actions and sensations. In this dimensionality, lower thought patterns cannot exist because one has understood life and mostly only acts from the divine aspects of life.

The ego identity, the supracausal mind was largely discarded and the identification with God or the high-vibrating all is manifested in one's own reality. One then permanently embodies love, harmony and joy without being dominated by lower, burdensome trains of thought. One only acts superordinately because one's own self-knowledge and high-vibrational experiences have shaped one's own life in a positive way. People who act 5 or 6 dimensional are often difficult for mainly 3 dimensional oriented people to take. One could say that their own light blinds the darkness of these persons or rather their own words, actions and deeds completely confuse and upset these persons. Because a purely 3-dimensional thinking and acting person frowns on the basis of their own egoistic mind words and actions that arise purely from love. Anyone who embodies 6 dimensionality long enough will eventually reach the 7 dimension sooner or later.

The 7th Dimension - Boundless Subtleness, Outside of Space and Time, Christ Level/Consciousness

subtle beingThe 7th dimension is the limitless subtlety of life. Here the physical or material structures disappear, since one's own energetic structure vibrates so high that space-time dissolves completely. One's own matter, one's own body then becomes subtle and immortality arises (I will go into the process of immortality again soon).

In this dimension there are no borders, no space and no time. We then continue to exist as pure energetic consciousness and immediately manifest what we think. Every thought is then simultaneously manifested action. Everything you think in this plane will happen immediately, you then behave like pure thought energy. This dimension is just like all other dimensions everywhere and we can reach it by constantly developing ourselves mentally and spiritually. Many also call this level the Christ level or Christ Consciousness. At that time, Jesus Christ was one of the few people who understood life and acted from the divine aspects of life. He embodied love, harmony, goodness and explained the sacred principles of life at that time. Those who act completely from the divine plane of consciousness live their life in unconditional love, harmony, peace, wisdom and divinity. One then embodies holiness as Jesus Christ once did. Many people are currently talking about Jesus Christ returning in these years and redeeming us all. But this only means the returning Christ consciousness, the cosmic or divine consciousness. (The church has nothing to do with what Jesus taught or preached at that time, these are 2 different worlds, the church only exists, was only created to keep people or the masses spiritually small and in fear (you go to hell, you must fear God, there is no reincarnation, you must serve God, God punishes sinners, etc.).

But at that time the planetary vibration was so low that people acted exclusively from supra-causal behavior patterns. At that time, hardly anyone understood Christ's lofty words; on the contrary, as a result, there was only hounding and murder. Fortunately, things are different today and due to the current strong increase in planetary and human vibration, we are recognizing our subtle roots again and are beginning to shine like shining stars again. I have to say that there are other dimensions, there are a total of 12 dimensions. But I will explain the other purely subtle dimensions to you another time, when the time comes. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live your life in harmony.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Leave a Comment

    • Karen Hotho 16. July 2019, 21: 50

      That's cool and easy to explain and just helped me a lot 🙂, thank you from the bottom of my heart

    • Renate 31. October 2019, 15: 18

      World class — I'll be fine :-))

    • fenja 12. January 2020, 12: 29

      We are quantum particles, once here and once there, in a world that will always...

    • Anna Simgera 13. April 2020, 18: 59

      Hey you,
      I've just read your post and wanted to address one or more aspects.
      I believe that in our 'current' life we ​​are not able to reach the 7th dimension. Physically, we cannot 'dissolve' in this world, on our earth, and simply appear as an energetic consciousness, at least not while we are alive (unless there are certain rituals that only make this possible for a limited time). Because every human being has a certain capacity of imagination. This means that, in my opinion, no one on this earth manages to enter this state naturally by themselves. It all seems very realistic to me after death. Since we only have a small 'part' of our brain available to us as a percentage, it may well be that after death we detach ourselves from the whole physical, ie from our body, because we don't have it at all in the next dimension need more. Then space and time may not play a role. In the next dimension we may also be aware of the 'general' and 'real' meaning of life. We certainly won't find out in our world, and I think that's a good thing, because the question of the meaning of life is what (more or less) keeps us alive.
      I think it would be really interesting to talk to you about these topics further. Maybe it will come to that. Of course, that's just my opinion and completely subjective, because no matter what kind of theses we put forward, nobody really knows for sure. Therefore one cannot confirm the correctness more or less also.
      but otherwise I found your text really interesting, thank you!
      Stay healthy and best regards! 🙂

    • Bernd Koengerter 21. December 2021, 1: 11

      Good day
      I am interested in

    • Iveta Schwarz-Stefancikova 22. April 2022, 15: 11

      Iveta Schwarz - Stefancikova

      Animals and other creatures (except parasites) already belong here on earth in dimensions 6 and 7 and even higher.

    Iveta Schwarz-Stefancikova 22. April 2022, 15: 11

    Iveta Schwarz - Stefancikova

    Animals and other creatures (except parasites) already belong here on earth in dimensions 6 and 7 and even higher.

    • Karen Hotho 16. July 2019, 21: 50

      That's cool and easy to explain and just helped me a lot 🙂, thank you from the bottom of my heart

    • Renate 31. October 2019, 15: 18

      World class — I'll be fine :-))

    • fenja 12. January 2020, 12: 29

      We are quantum particles, once here and once there, in a world that will always...

    • Anna Simgera 13. April 2020, 18: 59

      Hey you,
      I've just read your post and wanted to address one or more aspects.
      I believe that in our 'current' life we ​​are not able to reach the 7th dimension. Physically, we cannot 'dissolve' in this world, on our earth, and simply appear as an energetic consciousness, at least not while we are alive (unless there are certain rituals that only make this possible for a limited time). Because every human being has a certain capacity of imagination. This means that, in my opinion, no one on this earth manages to enter this state naturally by themselves. It all seems very realistic to me after death. Since we only have a small 'part' of our brain available to us as a percentage, it may well be that after death we detach ourselves from the whole physical, ie from our body, because we don't have it at all in the next dimension need more. Then space and time may not play a role. In the next dimension we may also be aware of the 'general' and 'real' meaning of life. We certainly won't find out in our world, and I think that's a good thing, because the question of the meaning of life is what (more or less) keeps us alive.
      I think it would be really interesting to talk to you about these topics further. Maybe it will come to that. Of course, that's just my opinion and completely subjective, because no matter what kind of theses we put forward, nobody really knows for sure. Therefore one cannot confirm the correctness more or less also.
      but otherwise I found your text really interesting, thank you!
      Stay healthy and best regards! 🙂

    • Bernd Koengerter 21. December 2021, 1: 11

      Good day
      I am interested in

    • Iveta Schwarz-Stefancikova 22. April 2022, 15: 11

      Iveta Schwarz - Stefancikova

      Animals and other creatures (except parasites) already belong here on earth in dimensions 6 and 7 and even higher.

    Iveta Schwarz-Stefancikova 22. April 2022, 15: 11

    Iveta Schwarz - Stefancikova

    Animals and other creatures (except parasites) already belong here on earth in dimensions 6 and 7 and even higher.

    • Karen Hotho 16. July 2019, 21: 50

      That's cool and easy to explain and just helped me a lot 🙂, thank you from the bottom of my heart

    • Renate 31. October 2019, 15: 18

      World class — I'll be fine :-))

    • fenja 12. January 2020, 12: 29

      We are quantum particles, once here and once there, in a world that will always...

    • Anna Simgera 13. April 2020, 18: 59

      Hey you,
      I've just read your post and wanted to address one or more aspects.
      I believe that in our 'current' life we ​​are not able to reach the 7th dimension. Physically, we cannot 'dissolve' in this world, on our earth, and simply appear as an energetic consciousness, at least not while we are alive (unless there are certain rituals that only make this possible for a limited time). Because every human being has a certain capacity of imagination. This means that, in my opinion, no one on this earth manages to enter this state naturally by themselves. It all seems very realistic to me after death. Since we only have a small 'part' of our brain available to us as a percentage, it may well be that after death we detach ourselves from the whole physical, ie from our body, because we don't have it at all in the next dimension need more. Then space and time may not play a role. In the next dimension we may also be aware of the 'general' and 'real' meaning of life. We certainly won't find out in our world, and I think that's a good thing, because the question of the meaning of life is what (more or less) keeps us alive.
      I think it would be really interesting to talk to you about these topics further. Maybe it will come to that. Of course, that's just my opinion and completely subjective, because no matter what kind of theses we put forward, nobody really knows for sure. Therefore one cannot confirm the correctness more or less also.
      but otherwise I found your text really interesting, thank you!
      Stay healthy and best regards! 🙂

    • Bernd Koengerter 21. December 2021, 1: 11

      Good day
      I am interested in

    • Iveta Schwarz-Stefancikova 22. April 2022, 15: 11

      Iveta Schwarz - Stefancikova

      Animals and other creatures (except parasites) already belong here on earth in dimensions 6 and 7 and even higher.

    Iveta Schwarz-Stefancikova 22. April 2022, 15: 11

    Iveta Schwarz - Stefancikova

    Animals and other creatures (except parasites) already belong here on earth in dimensions 6 and 7 and even higher.

    • Karen Hotho 16. July 2019, 21: 50

      That's cool and easy to explain and just helped me a lot 🙂, thank you from the bottom of my heart

    • Renate 31. October 2019, 15: 18

      World class — I'll be fine :-))

    • fenja 12. January 2020, 12: 29

      We are quantum particles, once here and once there, in a world that will always...

    • Anna Simgera 13. April 2020, 18: 59

      Hey you,
      I've just read your post and wanted to address one or more aspects.
      I believe that in our 'current' life we ​​are not able to reach the 7th dimension. Physically, we cannot 'dissolve' in this world, on our earth, and simply appear as an energetic consciousness, at least not while we are alive (unless there are certain rituals that only make this possible for a limited time). Because every human being has a certain capacity of imagination. This means that, in my opinion, no one on this earth manages to enter this state naturally by themselves. It all seems very realistic to me after death. Since we only have a small 'part' of our brain available to us as a percentage, it may well be that after death we detach ourselves from the whole physical, ie from our body, because we don't have it at all in the next dimension need more. Then space and time may not play a role. In the next dimension we may also be aware of the 'general' and 'real' meaning of life. We certainly won't find out in our world, and I think that's a good thing, because the question of the meaning of life is what (more or less) keeps us alive.
      I think it would be really interesting to talk to you about these topics further. Maybe it will come to that. Of course, that's just my opinion and completely subjective, because no matter what kind of theses we put forward, nobody really knows for sure. Therefore one cannot confirm the correctness more or less also.
      but otherwise I found your text really interesting, thank you!
      Stay healthy and best regards! 🙂

    • Bernd Koengerter 21. December 2021, 1: 11

      Good day
      I am interested in

    • Iveta Schwarz-Stefancikova 22. April 2022, 15: 11

      Iveta Schwarz - Stefancikova

      Animals and other creatures (except parasites) already belong here on earth in dimensions 6 and 7 and even higher.

    Iveta Schwarz-Stefancikova 22. April 2022, 15: 11

    Iveta Schwarz - Stefancikova

    Animals and other creatures (except parasites) already belong here on earth in dimensions 6 and 7 and even higher.

    • Karen Hotho 16. July 2019, 21: 50

      That's cool and easy to explain and just helped me a lot 🙂, thank you from the bottom of my heart

    • Renate 31. October 2019, 15: 18

      World class — I'll be fine :-))

    • fenja 12. January 2020, 12: 29

      We are quantum particles, once here and once there, in a world that will always...

    • Anna Simgera 13. April 2020, 18: 59

      Hey you,
      I've just read your post and wanted to address one or more aspects.
      I believe that in our 'current' life we ​​are not able to reach the 7th dimension. Physically, we cannot 'dissolve' in this world, on our earth, and simply appear as an energetic consciousness, at least not while we are alive (unless there are certain rituals that only make this possible for a limited time). Because every human being has a certain capacity of imagination. This means that, in my opinion, no one on this earth manages to enter this state naturally by themselves. It all seems very realistic to me after death. Since we only have a small 'part' of our brain available to us as a percentage, it may well be that after death we detach ourselves from the whole physical, ie from our body, because we don't have it at all in the next dimension need more. Then space and time may not play a role. In the next dimension we may also be aware of the 'general' and 'real' meaning of life. We certainly won't find out in our world, and I think that's a good thing, because the question of the meaning of life is what (more or less) keeps us alive.
      I think it would be really interesting to talk to you about these topics further. Maybe it will come to that. Of course, that's just my opinion and completely subjective, because no matter what kind of theses we put forward, nobody really knows for sure. Therefore one cannot confirm the correctness more or less also.
      but otherwise I found your text really interesting, thank you!
      Stay healthy and best regards! 🙂

    • Bernd Koengerter 21. December 2021, 1: 11

      Good day
      I am interested in

    • Iveta Schwarz-Stefancikova 22. April 2022, 15: 11

      Iveta Schwarz - Stefancikova

      Animals and other creatures (except parasites) already belong here on earth in dimensions 6 and 7 and even higher.

    Iveta Schwarz-Stefancikova 22. April 2022, 15: 11

    Iveta Schwarz - Stefancikova

    Animals and other creatures (except parasites) already belong here on earth in dimensions 6 and 7 and even higher.

    • Karen Hotho 16. July 2019, 21: 50

      That's cool and easy to explain and just helped me a lot 🙂, thank you from the bottom of my heart

    • Renate 31. October 2019, 15: 18

      World class — I'll be fine :-))

    • fenja 12. January 2020, 12: 29

      We are quantum particles, once here and once there, in a world that will always...

    • Anna Simgera 13. April 2020, 18: 59

      Hey you,
      I've just read your post and wanted to address one or more aspects.
      I believe that in our 'current' life we ​​are not able to reach the 7th dimension. Physically, we cannot 'dissolve' in this world, on our earth, and simply appear as an energetic consciousness, at least not while we are alive (unless there are certain rituals that only make this possible for a limited time). Because every human being has a certain capacity of imagination. This means that, in my opinion, no one on this earth manages to enter this state naturally by themselves. It all seems very realistic to me after death. Since we only have a small 'part' of our brain available to us as a percentage, it may well be that after death we detach ourselves from the whole physical, ie from our body, because we don't have it at all in the next dimension need more. Then space and time may not play a role. In the next dimension we may also be aware of the 'general' and 'real' meaning of life. We certainly won't find out in our world, and I think that's a good thing, because the question of the meaning of life is what (more or less) keeps us alive.
      I think it would be really interesting to talk to you about these topics further. Maybe it will come to that. Of course, that's just my opinion and completely subjective, because no matter what kind of theses we put forward, nobody really knows for sure. Therefore one cannot confirm the correctness more or less also.
      but otherwise I found your text really interesting, thank you!
      Stay healthy and best regards! 🙂

    • Bernd Koengerter 21. December 2021, 1: 11

      Good day
      I am interested in

    • Iveta Schwarz-Stefancikova 22. April 2022, 15: 11

      Iveta Schwarz - Stefancikova

      Animals and other creatures (except parasites) already belong here on earth in dimensions 6 and 7 and even higher.

    Iveta Schwarz-Stefancikova 22. April 2022, 15: 11

    Iveta Schwarz - Stefancikova

    Animals and other creatures (except parasites) already belong here on earth in dimensions 6 and 7 and even higher.
