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Soul Plan

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Every human being has a soul and along with it has kind, loving, empathic and "high-frequency" aspects (although this may not seem obvious in every human being, every living being still has a soul, yes, basically is even "ensouled" everything in existence). Our soul is responsible for the fact that, firstly, we can manifest a harmonious and peaceful living situation (in combination with our spirit) and secondly, we can show compassion to our fellow human beings and other living beings. This would not be possible without a soul, then we would have no empathic abilities and would therefore be “heartless” beings.

A person's soul plan

Soul PlanNevertheless, every living being has a soul and therefore also has a spiritual connection, i.e. every living being has a certain - whether conscious or subconscious - identification with its own soul (which does not always appear, but at certain moments in life ). Due to our own mental core, every person also has a so-called soul plan. This soul plan, which we created before our first incarnation, is expanded and redesigned in this context before each new incarnation. In this soul plan, countless goals and ideas to be implemented are then set for the coming life. These include, for example:

  • Various life events
  • Partnerships
  • Friendships (encounters with other souls)
  • Our family - incarnation family
  • Misc Life crises
  • Selfknowledge
  • Some Diseases.

The soul plan is therefore a self-created plan in which the coming life + countless other aspects that we would like to experience are planned. Of course, soul plans also deviate and not all of the planned circumstances occur 1:1, but a large part of the predefined life events become manifest in one's own reality. Partnerships or even relationships between two people/souls are often planned together before an upcoming incarnation and are therefore absolutely not the result of chance. When it comes to this, there are generally no coincidences. Everything is based much more on causality, i.e. on causes and effects. Love relationships then usually serve our own mental + emotional development and usually act as a mirror that reflects our own mental state and often shows us our own blockages and discrepancies, but also our current development opportunities.

All relationships that we enter into with other people, yes, even supposedly random encounters with other people and animals, always remind us of our own mental state and as a result have not come about completely without a reason..!!  

This is exactly how the incarnation family is determined in advance, i.e. you determine the family into which you are born. It should also be noted that, as a rule, one often falls into the same “Soul families“is born into it.

Incarnation goals and predefined life events

Incarnation goals and predefined life eventsApart from this, your own life crises and insights are also predefined. Both aspects are very important components of your own soul plan. As a rule, they are mental and emotional states that a soul wants to achieve, realize and also experience in the coming life. As far as that is concerned, one continues to develop from incarnation to incarnation (from life to life) and subconsciously strives for a certain level of spiritual development. Life crises should therefore usually make us aware of our own discrepancies and often also karmic ballast, which can even be traced back to past lives, so that we are able to dissolve this ballast again. Of course, not everyone succeeds in this and so some carry their mental ballast around with them until their last day (which could then also be part of the soul's plan). At this point it is also important to understand that we humans always carry our own inner conflicts with us into our future lives. For example, when a person who is addicted to alcohol dies, he transfers his addiction to his future life. In the following incarnation, an addiction to alcohol (or alcohol and other addictive substances in general) could be much more pronounced and the probability of becoming an alcoholic again would be higher.

A person's entire existence consists of energy, which in turn vibrates at a corresponding frequency. Consequently, every person has a completely individual frequency state. Our frequency state, which in turn can be traced back to our own mental and spiritual level of development, therefore plays a decisive role when death occurs..!!

The whole thing then happens until you overcome your own addiction through self-control and clearing up your own inner conflicts (energy does not dissolve by itself and remains after death). On the other hand, illnesses - just like life crises - are also part of one's own soul plan. Illnesses in particular have a corresponding benefit and show us our own mental imbalance.

Diseases as part of our soul plan

Soul PlanFor this reason, supposedly harmless illnesses, such as mild flu infections, are, at least as a rule, due to temporary mental conflicts (too much stress, mental imbalance and other inconsistencies, - cold = one is fed up). You are stressed from work, have problems with your partner or just feel burnt out overall. These discrepancies then burden our mind, which in turn dumps this impurity/disagreement onto our own physical body, thereby weakening our own immune system. Serious illnesses are usually due to early childhood trauma and other long-term mental problems/imprints (years of unnatural lifestyle, which would also be due to mental chaos, would of course also flow into this). They are diseases that block our own flow of life and also make us realize that something has been wrong for a long time. Here one also likes to speak of open mental wounds that need to be closed again by becoming aware and letting go of one's own past conflicts (our soul can therefore also produce suffering or I would put it like this: "The soul is invulnerable in its essence. The soul does not suffer, rather a soul fragment makes an authentic experience of suffering in physical existence, for only in this way is this experience possible" - Source: soul-understanding.de). In the same way, these illnesses can also be traced back to past lives. If a person dies of cancer, for example, then in all probability he takes the unredeemed cause of the disease with him into the coming life. In exactly the same way, lower moral views can also be taken over into the coming life and then become manifest again (the mental and spiritual development level at the time of death is always transferred to our coming incarnation). A person who, on the other hand, is very emotionally cold and tramples on the animal world - possibly only regards animals as lower creatures - could develop this attitude again in the coming life, the probability would then be very high.

Our ethical, i.e. our moral views of life, our beliefs, convictions, world views and all other physical + mental states flow into our coming incarnation and are therefore, at least as a rule, decisive for our coming incarnation experience..!!

Here it is then necessary to dissolve one's own karmic ballast and this happens by developing oneself morally and gaining new beliefs, convictions and views on life. At the end of the day, this is also an opportunity that is provided to us every day, because we humans are able to constantly develop ourselves due to our own mental abilities. We are the designers of our own fate. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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    • Jerry Janik 8. January 2020, 11: 02

      I greet you warmly,
      in May 2019 is my dear wife
      gone through cancer and i'm still beside myself, can't believe we're broken up after only 6 years together, i miss her so much
      I would like to say thank you for your website with the wonderful information
      Hopefully I can find my way back to normal life, nothing is working for me at the moment?
      I would also like to ask you about an Akashic pillar from Oz Orgonit
      Will this pillar help me ?
      How is your experience with it?
      Kind regards from Jerry

    Jerry Janik 8. January 2020, 11: 02

    I greet you warmly,
    in May 2019 is my dear wife
    gone through cancer and i'm still beside myself, can't believe we're broken up after only 6 years together, i miss her so much
    I would like to say thank you for your website with the wonderful information
    Hopefully I can find my way back to normal life, nothing is working for me at the moment?
    I would also like to ask you about an Akashic pillar from Oz Orgonit
    Will this pillar help me ?
    How is your experience with it?
    Kind regards from Jerry
