≡ Menus

Today the first new moon of this year appears in the night sky. The new moon is in the zodiac sign Aquarius and gives us humans an impulse that is ultimately beneficial for our own spiritual development and can initiate a change. In this context, the moon always has an energetic influence on us humans. Whether full moon or even new moon, in each phase of the moon our current state of consciousness is fed with completely individual vibration frequencies. In exactly the same way, the current zodiac sign that the moon is passing through at that time also flows into this lunar radiation. Each sign of the zodiac emits different impulses and these in turn influence the collective state of consciousness. Today the new moon is in Aquarius and you will find out what this means in the following section.

The intensity of the new moon in Aquarius

New moon in Aquarius

Today's new moon in Aquarius has an energetic radiation of the highest intensity and once again has a strong effect on our state of consciousness. For some time we humans have been accompanied by a strong planetary vibration and these high vibration frequencies are not decreasing but continue to increase. An end is far from in sight, which is not surprising, since humanity is currently in a quantum leap into awakening, which firstly is only possible due to these high vibration frequencies and secondly, this cosmic radiation serves our own spiritual and spiritual needs advancement. If the planetary oscillation were to drastically decrease, it would be fatal for the further development of mankind. Our own spiritual development could then stagnate and mechanisms based on low vibrational frequencies would be given more room to develop. But such a circumstance can no longer become reality, since our solar system will only increase in density again in 13.000 years due to a high-frequency galactic region that is now being passed through. Because of this, we can continue to expect vibrational frequencies that will increasingly expand our minds. For this reason, our own DEVELOPMENT will continue to be pushed forward and our egoistic mind will increasingly be exposed. Things that are no longer compatible with the current high vibration frequency, i.e. energetically dense trains of thought (thoughts that are associated with negative emotions) and the resulting energetically dense actions (negative actions) are in transformation, are increasingly being transported into our day-consciousness and are hardly compatible with our own spirit.

In the current time there is hardly any room for the development of negative mechanisms..!!

There is no longer any room for lies, half-truths and disinformation. Instead, we humans are indirectly asked to use the high-vibrating space in order to be able to manifest harmony, truth, inner peace, love, happiness and justice in our own spirit. This process is unavoidable and the current phases of the moon are very helpful to us, because they often show us what is not yet in harmony with our own soul, show us what still wants to be lived and activate in us the urge to fulfill our own heart's desires to realize.

Ultimately, it is about creating your own inner balance. Spirit, soul and body are waiting to be brought into balance by us..!!

All things should be in the light, should be brought into harmony and therefore the time only serves our own inner balance that wants to be created again. The subconscious of the people experiences a drastic reprogramming. Negative trains of thought, due to trauma or formative life events that repeatedly burden our mind, are brought before our eyes so that we become aware of them in order to be able to guarantee personal development. Only when you recognize your own sustainable patterns, become aware of your own negative behavior, accept it and then hand it over to transformation can change happen. The ascension process is therefore constantly reaching new dimensions.

We can use today's new moon energies to initiate a personal transformation..!!

Today's new moon offers the perfect conditions to bring about such a further development, because new moons, as the name suggests, stand for powerful new beginnings. For this reason, it is advisable to use the incoming energies of today's new moon in order to finally be able to nip your own sustainable thoughts and behavior in the bud. Turn your gaze inwards and ask yourself what is still bothering you personally, what absolutely does not correspond to your philosophy of life, ask yourself what is still standing in the way of your inner imbalance, what is blocking your mental development or what is standing in the way of your heart's desires and then begin to resolve these blockages through active action. Only in this way do we humans become really free by becoming aware of our own creative powers of thought again and creating a life that completely corresponds to our own ideas and ideals. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.


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