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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

The issue of chemtrails has been a controversial topic for a number of years, so there are many people who are convinced that our government is spraying us with a toxic chemical soup on a daily basis, while others argue against this and claim that all these preparing streaks in the sky, due to kerosene or even contrails. Ultimately, however, it appears that chemtrails are not fiction made up by any human being, but rather chemical streaks that are sprayed into our atmosphere to contain our own state of consciousness + to create disease. More and more scientists, pilots and politicians are unpacking, reporting on this perfidious game that is being played with us and clearly proving that chemtrails (geoengineering) correspond to the truth.

The truth behind all the system propaganda

Chemtrail truthThat our weather has been massively influenced by Haarp for countless years, that vaccines contain highly toxic substances - which in turn are responsible for the development of countless diseases, that our drinking water is enriched with fluoride (nerve poison), that we are aware of chemically contaminated food have been made dependent, that remedies for serious illnesses, as well as free energy are specifically suppressed, is meanwhile familiar to many people. But just on the subject of chemtrails, some people still disagree and downright denigrate / defame people who are convinced of chemtrails. So there were already a few people on my page who, after a few chemtrails postings, really attacked me, called me a weirdo and “conspiracy theorist” and subsequently unfollowed my Facebook page. To the blunt, manipulative + psychological warfare-derived and disparaging word "Conspiracy theorist", but I don't want to go into this in this article, that has happened too often. Nevertheless, one should think strongly that as soon as something does not correspond to one's own conditioned world view, one cannot deal with it directly, points the finger at other people and directly exposes their world of thoughts, their opinion and their person to ridicule. One should think about why one suddenly becomes so self-deprecating and at the same time legitimizes an internally accepted exclusion from other people in one's own mind. Ultimately, such judgmental behavior is in the interest of the NWO, the system, because the high-ranking puppets in our governments, secret services + system/mass media, of course want to avoid the truth behind the chemtrails becoming public by any means necessary. This is how the mass media runs propaganda against people who draw attention to important things, topics that in turn could become dangerous for the system built on disinformation.

Our mass media, which in turn are controlled by other authorities, deliberately spread disinformation, half-truths and lies. This is how you transport ignorance, fears + hatred into people's heads, which in turn leads to judgments..!!

In this way, people’s subconscious is consciously programmed/conditioned via the system media and the message is transported into our heads that chemtrails is a pipe dream, that it would be ridiculous to talk about it at all and that only “right-wing populists”, “Reich citizens” or just "conspiracy theorists" are convinced of such issues. Basically, this is how judgmental people were created within our society, "system guards" who ultimately, firstly, without knowing it, maintain the perfidious system, secondly, act instinctively against anyone who represents an opinion critical of the system and thirdly, still approve of the whole thing, protect/approve the construct of lies that has been transported into their heads.

Clean the sky with vinegar

evaporate vinegarWell then, to come back to the subject of chemtrails, ultimately, by means of these chemical trails, countless highly toxic substances are secreted into our atmosphere. These are partly high concentrations of aluminum, barium salts, strontium salts, copper salts, lead, arsenic and countless other toxic substances. Countless scientists have already found out that, firstly, in the air and secondly on the ground, there are significantly higher concentrations of these aforementioned substances. These increased concentrations are sometimes even frighteningly high and one still wonders why so many people get cancer these days, yes, to be honest one should really ask oneself this question. In today's world, almost everyone has some kind of health problem, be it regular flu infections - which is due to an intermittent weakening of our own immune system (why is our immune system so often weakened?), various allergies , skin rashes, diabetes, cancer, asthma or respiratory diseases in general, permanently irritated mucous membranes, permanently irritated eyes, hypersensitivity related to various environmental influences, etc. Of course, most people in today's world have a lot of stress, are often irritated, have in the Usually a negative spectrum of thoughts, they often do not eat quite as well (unnatural nutrition), but chemtrails and co. are definitely included, yes, you can no longer ignore this aspect or even deny it. However, I do not want to blame the "powerful" in this context either, because at the end of the day we humans are responsible for our own circumstances and for this reason we can also do something against these chemtrails.

Today there are countless ways to rid the skies of chemtrails. Whether orgonites or even the evaporation of vinegar, both are effective methods with which one can dissolve the dangerous chemical compounds..!!

On the one hand we can use chembuster + larger orgonites to re-harmonize the air around us, around the sky (Here you can get high quality orgonites + chembuster: orgonenergie.net, important page, because there are a lot of fakes in circulation, why probably...). On the other hand, there is another, very effective and, above all, inexpensive alternative, namely heating or evaporating vinegar. Whether salad vinegar, vinegar essence, vinegar cleaner or even apple cider vinegar - although I would rather consume it myself, all these vinegar products are suitable for dissolving chemtrails. Even if other people smile at you for this practice, there are now countless reports and evidence that vaping vinegar can dissolve unnatural cloud formations and chemtrails. As already mentioned in the course of the article, the weather is massively manipulated. Some storms and dense cloud carpets that no longer let the sun's rays through are therefore often artificial in nature and contain many toxic chemicals. However, this can be remedied by evaporating vinegar. After the vinegar has evaporated, larger holes tend to form in dense cloud carpets and a blue sky reappears. In this context, I also have one in my research Website found, which documented a practical test several times with pictures. These were his results:

1. First of all, the operator shows his bowl of vinegar

2. You can see a large dark cloud that he now wants to dissolve

3. The first effects are noticeable, gaps are formed in the sky

4. A large hole has formed. You can clearly see the hole that has been created, through which the blue sky is now shining through

5. The artificial cloud was almost completely dissolved, only a few "rags of clouds" adorn the sky

6. The sky is clear again, the blue sky is almost completely visible, only a small white cloud is still visible

The images impressively demonstrate the groundbreaking effects of vinegar on our sky. However, he is not the only one who was able to achieve these results. As already mentioned, more and more people are reporting the impressive effects of vinegar on our sky. Many people have reported that their vaporized vinegar created a huge hole in the sky. There are now so many different reports and successful practical tests that one can no longer speak of an alleged "coincidence". Well, there is no coincidence anyway, at the end of the day everything has a specific reason, everything is subject to a law of cause and effect. That's why I can only recommend you to try it out for yourself, preferably in an open area. How much vinegar should be evaporated is still debatable. Some achieve impressive results with a smaller bowl of vinegar, while others swear by evaporating larger quantities in a pot. Ultimately, you have to try it yourself and find out for yourself what amount is sufficient and, above all, which vinegar has the best effects. I myself will also vaporize a larger amount of vinegar over the next few days and demonstrate the impressive effects of vinegar to you, I will then document the whole thing in the form of a video for you. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Leave a Comment

    • Ganda Wain 4. January 2021, 10: 24

      Well….I started a vape action yesterday at 16.15pm. Have 10 hour tea lights (3 to ensure a guaranteed heat development) Have the vinegar in the vessel (stainless steel) on my gas stove to evaporation temp. brought and placed on the candle construction. Checked again and again to see if it was still evaporating, the last time at 21.40:XNUMX p.m., yes, it was still evaporating. Good.
      If you can believe the burning time of the candle manufacturers, the candles burned between 1 and 2 o'clock. In the morning, 8.00:XNUMX a.m. I checked... the candles burned "properly". No obvious change in the sky for me. Well, the period of time between evaporating the heat source and checking... was relatively long.
      I then thought about how I could create a longer evaporative heat source.
      I took a charcoal lighter handle pot, put 3 cemetery candles in it, fit perfectly, brought the stainless steel pot with the residual vinegar back to evaporation temperature and placed it on the charcoal lighter pot with the burning candles. Has been vaping for a very good hour now.
      Incidentally, I took normal white table vinegar, 1l. The pot, just checked, is steaming happily.
      I'm curious. The candles burn for several days. I also use these white candles for my garden lanterns. In this case, I will of course have to make sure that the candles are always doing their job close enough to the pot. So increase the stand and shorten the plastic.
      Thank you for reading.
      Write your experience.
      I can write as a partial conclusion, I hope it turns out differently, that there was no visual change.
      In this sense, I will report.

    • Ganda Wain 5. January 2021, 13: 16

      Hello, it's me again.
      Well, I've been vaping for over 9 hours, starting yesterday between 10 and 25 a.m. Meanwhile a little more than 2l of white table vinegar.
      I really went into it with an open mind.
      My conclusion, it's useless.
      The sky is still dirty white-grey.
      Can someone please write something about this?
      Thank you.

    • Petra Scholl 10. February 2021, 17: 02

      If I can see the sun very faintly through the chemtrails layer, then I vaporize vinegar and around noon I always have the sky and ALWAYS just above our valley, all around is the gray honeycomb layer that people are sold as clouds

    • Birgit 6. May 2021, 13: 06

      I have a work and I fill it halfway with water and 100-150 ml of 25% vinegar. Now bring the contents to a boil and let it simmer so that the steam rises to the top. The bowl is unfortunately on a balcony. Can't go outside with it. However, I'm not really able to get anything in the sky in this muggy, cold weather. A few days ago, more precisely on 1.5. the work stood for at least 7 hours and .. bubbled. Nothing has really changed in the sky.
      Maybe I can get your opinion on that. I would be very happy

      • Sonja Vlaar 5. June 2021, 22: 39

        I wonder or think that vinegar only drives away unnatural cloud cover. There should still be natural clouds. Now and then.

    • bibi 29. June 2021, 13: 30

      Please do not evaporate vinegar if you want rain and water. Evaporating vinegar promotes hail!
      Please enter energy products and Urs Wirths, he explains it very well. With positive life energy and love you can drive away any cloud and reprogram the chemtrials, your thoughts and feelings have more power than vinegar! You are magician! You are Love!

    • Heike 17. May 2024, 2: 01

      Hello, I also set up vinegar bowls with success. It is clearly visible that the sky is clearing. Can someone tell me what happens to the chemicals from the chemtrails and where they end up?
      thanks in advance for an answer


    Heike 17. May 2024, 2: 01

    Hello, I also set up vinegar bowls with success. It is clearly visible that the sky is clearing. Can someone tell me what happens to the chemicals from the chemtrails and where they end up?
    thanks in advance for an answer


    • Ganda Wain 4. January 2021, 10: 24

      Well….I started a vape action yesterday at 16.15pm. Have 10 hour tea lights (3 to ensure a guaranteed heat development) Have the vinegar in the vessel (stainless steel) on my gas stove to evaporation temp. brought and placed on the candle construction. Checked again and again to see if it was still evaporating, the last time at 21.40:XNUMX p.m., yes, it was still evaporating. Good.
      If you can believe the burning time of the candle manufacturers, the candles burned between 1 and 2 o'clock. In the morning, 8.00:XNUMX a.m. I checked... the candles burned "properly". No obvious change in the sky for me. Well, the period of time between evaporating the heat source and checking... was relatively long.
      I then thought about how I could create a longer evaporative heat source.
      I took a charcoal lighter handle pot, put 3 cemetery candles in it, fit perfectly, brought the stainless steel pot with the residual vinegar back to evaporation temperature and placed it on the charcoal lighter pot with the burning candles. Has been vaping for a very good hour now.
      Incidentally, I took normal white table vinegar, 1l. The pot, just checked, is steaming happily.
      I'm curious. The candles burn for several days. I also use these white candles for my garden lanterns. In this case, I will of course have to make sure that the candles are always doing their job close enough to the pot. So increase the stand and shorten the plastic.
      Thank you for reading.
      Write your experience.
      I can write as a partial conclusion, I hope it turns out differently, that there was no visual change.
      In this sense, I will report.

    • Ganda Wain 5. January 2021, 13: 16

      Hello, it's me again.
      Well, I've been vaping for over 9 hours, starting yesterday between 10 and 25 a.m. Meanwhile a little more than 2l of white table vinegar.
      I really went into it with an open mind.
      My conclusion, it's useless.
      The sky is still dirty white-grey.
      Can someone please write something about this?
      Thank you.

    • Petra Scholl 10. February 2021, 17: 02

      If I can see the sun very faintly through the chemtrails layer, then I vaporize vinegar and around noon I always have the sky and ALWAYS just above our valley, all around is the gray honeycomb layer that people are sold as clouds

    • Birgit 6. May 2021, 13: 06

      I have a work and I fill it halfway with water and 100-150 ml of 25% vinegar. Now bring the contents to a boil and let it simmer so that the steam rises to the top. The bowl is unfortunately on a balcony. Can't go outside with it. However, I'm not really able to get anything in the sky in this muggy, cold weather. A few days ago, more precisely on 1.5. the work stood for at least 7 hours and .. bubbled. Nothing has really changed in the sky.
      Maybe I can get your opinion on that. I would be very happy

      • Sonja Vlaar 5. June 2021, 22: 39

        I wonder or think that vinegar only drives away unnatural cloud cover. There should still be natural clouds. Now and then.

    • bibi 29. June 2021, 13: 30

      Please do not evaporate vinegar if you want rain and water. Evaporating vinegar promotes hail!
      Please enter energy products and Urs Wirths, he explains it very well. With positive life energy and love you can drive away any cloud and reprogram the chemtrials, your thoughts and feelings have more power than vinegar! You are magician! You are Love!

    • Heike 17. May 2024, 2: 01

      Hello, I also set up vinegar bowls with success. It is clearly visible that the sky is clearing. Can someone tell me what happens to the chemicals from the chemtrails and where they end up?
      thanks in advance for an answer


    Heike 17. May 2024, 2: 01

    Hello, I also set up vinegar bowls with success. It is clearly visible that the sky is clearing. Can someone tell me what happens to the chemicals from the chemtrails and where they end up?
    thanks in advance for an answer


    • Ganda Wain 4. January 2021, 10: 24

      Well….I started a vape action yesterday at 16.15pm. Have 10 hour tea lights (3 to ensure a guaranteed heat development) Have the vinegar in the vessel (stainless steel) on my gas stove to evaporation temp. brought and placed on the candle construction. Checked again and again to see if it was still evaporating, the last time at 21.40:XNUMX p.m., yes, it was still evaporating. Good.
      If you can believe the burning time of the candle manufacturers, the candles burned between 1 and 2 o'clock. In the morning, 8.00:XNUMX a.m. I checked... the candles burned "properly". No obvious change in the sky for me. Well, the period of time between evaporating the heat source and checking... was relatively long.
      I then thought about how I could create a longer evaporative heat source.
      I took a charcoal lighter handle pot, put 3 cemetery candles in it, fit perfectly, brought the stainless steel pot with the residual vinegar back to evaporation temperature and placed it on the charcoal lighter pot with the burning candles. Has been vaping for a very good hour now.
      Incidentally, I took normal white table vinegar, 1l. The pot, just checked, is steaming happily.
      I'm curious. The candles burn for several days. I also use these white candles for my garden lanterns. In this case, I will of course have to make sure that the candles are always doing their job close enough to the pot. So increase the stand and shorten the plastic.
      Thank you for reading.
      Write your experience.
      I can write as a partial conclusion, I hope it turns out differently, that there was no visual change.
      In this sense, I will report.

    • Ganda Wain 5. January 2021, 13: 16

      Hello, it's me again.
      Well, I've been vaping for over 9 hours, starting yesterday between 10 and 25 a.m. Meanwhile a little more than 2l of white table vinegar.
      I really went into it with an open mind.
      My conclusion, it's useless.
      The sky is still dirty white-grey.
      Can someone please write something about this?
      Thank you.

    • Petra Scholl 10. February 2021, 17: 02

      If I can see the sun very faintly through the chemtrails layer, then I vaporize vinegar and around noon I always have the sky and ALWAYS just above our valley, all around is the gray honeycomb layer that people are sold as clouds

    • Birgit 6. May 2021, 13: 06

      I have a work and I fill it halfway with water and 100-150 ml of 25% vinegar. Now bring the contents to a boil and let it simmer so that the steam rises to the top. The bowl is unfortunately on a balcony. Can't go outside with it. However, I'm not really able to get anything in the sky in this muggy, cold weather. A few days ago, more precisely on 1.5. the work stood for at least 7 hours and .. bubbled. Nothing has really changed in the sky.
      Maybe I can get your opinion on that. I would be very happy

      • Sonja Vlaar 5. June 2021, 22: 39

        I wonder or think that vinegar only drives away unnatural cloud cover. There should still be natural clouds. Now and then.

    • bibi 29. June 2021, 13: 30

      Please do not evaporate vinegar if you want rain and water. Evaporating vinegar promotes hail!
      Please enter energy products and Urs Wirths, he explains it very well. With positive life energy and love you can drive away any cloud and reprogram the chemtrials, your thoughts and feelings have more power than vinegar! You are magician! You are Love!

    • Heike 17. May 2024, 2: 01

      Hello, I also set up vinegar bowls with success. It is clearly visible that the sky is clearing. Can someone tell me what happens to the chemicals from the chemtrails and where they end up?
      thanks in advance for an answer


    Heike 17. May 2024, 2: 01

    Hello, I also set up vinegar bowls with success. It is clearly visible that the sky is clearing. Can someone tell me what happens to the chemicals from the chemtrails and where they end up?
    thanks in advance for an answer


    • Ganda Wain 4. January 2021, 10: 24

      Well….I started a vape action yesterday at 16.15pm. Have 10 hour tea lights (3 to ensure a guaranteed heat development) Have the vinegar in the vessel (stainless steel) on my gas stove to evaporation temp. brought and placed on the candle construction. Checked again and again to see if it was still evaporating, the last time at 21.40:XNUMX p.m., yes, it was still evaporating. Good.
      If you can believe the burning time of the candle manufacturers, the candles burned between 1 and 2 o'clock. In the morning, 8.00:XNUMX a.m. I checked... the candles burned "properly". No obvious change in the sky for me. Well, the period of time between evaporating the heat source and checking... was relatively long.
      I then thought about how I could create a longer evaporative heat source.
      I took a charcoal lighter handle pot, put 3 cemetery candles in it, fit perfectly, brought the stainless steel pot with the residual vinegar back to evaporation temperature and placed it on the charcoal lighter pot with the burning candles. Has been vaping for a very good hour now.
      Incidentally, I took normal white table vinegar, 1l. The pot, just checked, is steaming happily.
      I'm curious. The candles burn for several days. I also use these white candles for my garden lanterns. In this case, I will of course have to make sure that the candles are always doing their job close enough to the pot. So increase the stand and shorten the plastic.
      Thank you for reading.
      Write your experience.
      I can write as a partial conclusion, I hope it turns out differently, that there was no visual change.
      In this sense, I will report.

    • Ganda Wain 5. January 2021, 13: 16

      Hello, it's me again.
      Well, I've been vaping for over 9 hours, starting yesterday between 10 and 25 a.m. Meanwhile a little more than 2l of white table vinegar.
      I really went into it with an open mind.
      My conclusion, it's useless.
      The sky is still dirty white-grey.
      Can someone please write something about this?
      Thank you.

    • Petra Scholl 10. February 2021, 17: 02

      If I can see the sun very faintly through the chemtrails layer, then I vaporize vinegar and around noon I always have the sky and ALWAYS just above our valley, all around is the gray honeycomb layer that people are sold as clouds

    • Birgit 6. May 2021, 13: 06

      I have a work and I fill it halfway with water and 100-150 ml of 25% vinegar. Now bring the contents to a boil and let it simmer so that the steam rises to the top. The bowl is unfortunately on a balcony. Can't go outside with it. However, I'm not really able to get anything in the sky in this muggy, cold weather. A few days ago, more precisely on 1.5. the work stood for at least 7 hours and .. bubbled. Nothing has really changed in the sky.
      Maybe I can get your opinion on that. I would be very happy

      • Sonja Vlaar 5. June 2021, 22: 39

        I wonder or think that vinegar only drives away unnatural cloud cover. There should still be natural clouds. Now and then.

    • bibi 29. June 2021, 13: 30

      Please do not evaporate vinegar if you want rain and water. Evaporating vinegar promotes hail!
      Please enter energy products and Urs Wirths, he explains it very well. With positive life energy and love you can drive away any cloud and reprogram the chemtrials, your thoughts and feelings have more power than vinegar! You are magician! You are Love!

    • Heike 17. May 2024, 2: 01

      Hello, I also set up vinegar bowls with success. It is clearly visible that the sky is clearing. Can someone tell me what happens to the chemicals from the chemtrails and where they end up?
      thanks in advance for an answer


    Heike 17. May 2024, 2: 01

    Hello, I also set up vinegar bowls with success. It is clearly visible that the sky is clearing. Can someone tell me what happens to the chemicals from the chemtrails and where they end up?
    thanks in advance for an answer


      • Ganda Wain 4. January 2021, 10: 24

        Well….I started a vape action yesterday at 16.15pm. Have 10 hour tea lights (3 to ensure a guaranteed heat development) Have the vinegar in the vessel (stainless steel) on my gas stove to evaporation temp. brought and placed on the candle construction. Checked again and again to see if it was still evaporating, the last time at 21.40:XNUMX p.m., yes, it was still evaporating. Good.
        If you can believe the burning time of the candle manufacturers, the candles burned between 1 and 2 o'clock. In the morning, 8.00:XNUMX a.m. I checked... the candles burned "properly". No obvious change in the sky for me. Well, the period of time between evaporating the heat source and checking... was relatively long.
        I then thought about how I could create a longer evaporative heat source.
        I took a charcoal lighter handle pot, put 3 cemetery candles in it, fit perfectly, brought the stainless steel pot with the residual vinegar back to evaporation temperature and placed it on the charcoal lighter pot with the burning candles. Has been vaping for a very good hour now.
        Incidentally, I took normal white table vinegar, 1l. The pot, just checked, is steaming happily.
        I'm curious. The candles burn for several days. I also use these white candles for my garden lanterns. In this case, I will of course have to make sure that the candles are always doing their job close enough to the pot. So increase the stand and shorten the plastic.
        Thank you for reading.
        Write your experience.
        I can write as a partial conclusion, I hope it turns out differently, that there was no visual change.
        In this sense, I will report.

      • Ganda Wain 5. January 2021, 13: 16

        Hello, it's me again.
        Well, I've been vaping for over 9 hours, starting yesterday between 10 and 25 a.m. Meanwhile a little more than 2l of white table vinegar.
        I really went into it with an open mind.
        My conclusion, it's useless.
        The sky is still dirty white-grey.
        Can someone please write something about this?
        Thank you.

      • Petra Scholl 10. February 2021, 17: 02

        If I can see the sun very faintly through the chemtrails layer, then I vaporize vinegar and around noon I always have the sky and ALWAYS just above our valley, all around is the gray honeycomb layer that people are sold as clouds

      • Birgit 6. May 2021, 13: 06

        I have a work and I fill it halfway with water and 100-150 ml of 25% vinegar. Now bring the contents to a boil and let it simmer so that the steam rises to the top. The bowl is unfortunately on a balcony. Can't go outside with it. However, I'm not really able to get anything in the sky in this muggy, cold weather. A few days ago, more precisely on 1.5. the work stood for at least 7 hours and .. bubbled. Nothing has really changed in the sky.
        Maybe I can get your opinion on that. I would be very happy

        • Sonja Vlaar 5. June 2021, 22: 39

          I wonder or think that vinegar only drives away unnatural cloud cover. There should still be natural clouds. Now and then.

      • bibi 29. June 2021, 13: 30

        Please do not evaporate vinegar if you want rain and water. Evaporating vinegar promotes hail!
        Please enter energy products and Urs Wirths, he explains it very well. With positive life energy and love you can drive away any cloud and reprogram the chemtrials, your thoughts and feelings have more power than vinegar! You are magician! You are Love!

      • Heike 17. May 2024, 2: 01

        Hello, I also set up vinegar bowls with success. It is clearly visible that the sky is clearing. Can someone tell me what happens to the chemicals from the chemtrails and where they end up?
        thanks in advance for an answer


      Heike 17. May 2024, 2: 01

      Hello, I also set up vinegar bowls with success. It is clearly visible that the sky is clearing. Can someone tell me what happens to the chemicals from the chemtrails and where they end up?
      thanks in advance for an answer


    • Ganda Wain 4. January 2021, 10: 24

      Well….I started a vape action yesterday at 16.15pm. Have 10 hour tea lights (3 to ensure a guaranteed heat development) Have the vinegar in the vessel (stainless steel) on my gas stove to evaporation temp. brought and placed on the candle construction. Checked again and again to see if it was still evaporating, the last time at 21.40:XNUMX p.m., yes, it was still evaporating. Good.
      If you can believe the burning time of the candle manufacturers, the candles burned between 1 and 2 o'clock. In the morning, 8.00:XNUMX a.m. I checked... the candles burned "properly". No obvious change in the sky for me. Well, the period of time between evaporating the heat source and checking... was relatively long.
      I then thought about how I could create a longer evaporative heat source.
      I took a charcoal lighter handle pot, put 3 cemetery candles in it, fit perfectly, brought the stainless steel pot with the residual vinegar back to evaporation temperature and placed it on the charcoal lighter pot with the burning candles. Has been vaping for a very good hour now.
      Incidentally, I took normal white table vinegar, 1l. The pot, just checked, is steaming happily.
      I'm curious. The candles burn for several days. I also use these white candles for my garden lanterns. In this case, I will of course have to make sure that the candles are always doing their job close enough to the pot. So increase the stand and shorten the plastic.
      Thank you for reading.
      Write your experience.
      I can write as a partial conclusion, I hope it turns out differently, that there was no visual change.
      In this sense, I will report.

    • Ganda Wain 5. January 2021, 13: 16

      Hello, it's me again.
      Well, I've been vaping for over 9 hours, starting yesterday between 10 and 25 a.m. Meanwhile a little more than 2l of white table vinegar.
      I really went into it with an open mind.
      My conclusion, it's useless.
      The sky is still dirty white-grey.
      Can someone please write something about this?
      Thank you.

    • Petra Scholl 10. February 2021, 17: 02

      If I can see the sun very faintly through the chemtrails layer, then I vaporize vinegar and around noon I always have the sky and ALWAYS just above our valley, all around is the gray honeycomb layer that people are sold as clouds

    • Birgit 6. May 2021, 13: 06

      I have a work and I fill it halfway with water and 100-150 ml of 25% vinegar. Now bring the contents to a boil and let it simmer so that the steam rises to the top. The bowl is unfortunately on a balcony. Can't go outside with it. However, I'm not really able to get anything in the sky in this muggy, cold weather. A few days ago, more precisely on 1.5. the work stood for at least 7 hours and .. bubbled. Nothing has really changed in the sky.
      Maybe I can get your opinion on that. I would be very happy

      • Sonja Vlaar 5. June 2021, 22: 39

        I wonder or think that vinegar only drives away unnatural cloud cover. There should still be natural clouds. Now and then.

    • bibi 29. June 2021, 13: 30

      Please do not evaporate vinegar if you want rain and water. Evaporating vinegar promotes hail!
      Please enter energy products and Urs Wirths, he explains it very well. With positive life energy and love you can drive away any cloud and reprogram the chemtrials, your thoughts and feelings have more power than vinegar! You are magician! You are Love!

    • Heike 17. May 2024, 2: 01

      Hello, I also set up vinegar bowls with success. It is clearly visible that the sky is clearing. Can someone tell me what happens to the chemicals from the chemtrails and where they end up?
      thanks in advance for an answer


    Heike 17. May 2024, 2: 01

    Hello, I also set up vinegar bowls with success. It is clearly visible that the sky is clearing. Can someone tell me what happens to the chemicals from the chemtrails and where they end up?
    thanks in advance for an answer


    • Ganda Wain 4. January 2021, 10: 24

      Well….I started a vape action yesterday at 16.15pm. Have 10 hour tea lights (3 to ensure a guaranteed heat development) Have the vinegar in the vessel (stainless steel) on my gas stove to evaporation temp. brought and placed on the candle construction. Checked again and again to see if it was still evaporating, the last time at 21.40:XNUMX p.m., yes, it was still evaporating. Good.
      If you can believe the burning time of the candle manufacturers, the candles burned between 1 and 2 o'clock. In the morning, 8.00:XNUMX a.m. I checked... the candles burned "properly". No obvious change in the sky for me. Well, the period of time between evaporating the heat source and checking... was relatively long.
      I then thought about how I could create a longer evaporative heat source.
      I took a charcoal lighter handle pot, put 3 cemetery candles in it, fit perfectly, brought the stainless steel pot with the residual vinegar back to evaporation temperature and placed it on the charcoal lighter pot with the burning candles. Has been vaping for a very good hour now.
      Incidentally, I took normal white table vinegar, 1l. The pot, just checked, is steaming happily.
      I'm curious. The candles burn for several days. I also use these white candles for my garden lanterns. In this case, I will of course have to make sure that the candles are always doing their job close enough to the pot. So increase the stand and shorten the plastic.
      Thank you for reading.
      Write your experience.
      I can write as a partial conclusion, I hope it turns out differently, that there was no visual change.
      In this sense, I will report.

    • Ganda Wain 5. January 2021, 13: 16

      Hello, it's me again.
      Well, I've been vaping for over 9 hours, starting yesterday between 10 and 25 a.m. Meanwhile a little more than 2l of white table vinegar.
      I really went into it with an open mind.
      My conclusion, it's useless.
      The sky is still dirty white-grey.
      Can someone please write something about this?
      Thank you.

    • Petra Scholl 10. February 2021, 17: 02

      If I can see the sun very faintly through the chemtrails layer, then I vaporize vinegar and around noon I always have the sky and ALWAYS just above our valley, all around is the gray honeycomb layer that people are sold as clouds

    • Birgit 6. May 2021, 13: 06

      I have a work and I fill it halfway with water and 100-150 ml of 25% vinegar. Now bring the contents to a boil and let it simmer so that the steam rises to the top. The bowl is unfortunately on a balcony. Can't go outside with it. However, I'm not really able to get anything in the sky in this muggy, cold weather. A few days ago, more precisely on 1.5. the work stood for at least 7 hours and .. bubbled. Nothing has really changed in the sky.
      Maybe I can get your opinion on that. I would be very happy

      • Sonja Vlaar 5. June 2021, 22: 39

        I wonder or think that vinegar only drives away unnatural cloud cover. There should still be natural clouds. Now and then.

    • bibi 29. June 2021, 13: 30

      Please do not evaporate vinegar if you want rain and water. Evaporating vinegar promotes hail!
      Please enter energy products and Urs Wirths, he explains it very well. With positive life energy and love you can drive away any cloud and reprogram the chemtrials, your thoughts and feelings have more power than vinegar! You are magician! You are Love!

    • Heike 17. May 2024, 2: 01

      Hello, I also set up vinegar bowls with success. It is clearly visible that the sky is clearing. Can someone tell me what happens to the chemicals from the chemtrails and where they end up?
      thanks in advance for an answer


    Heike 17. May 2024, 2: 01

    Hello, I also set up vinegar bowls with success. It is clearly visible that the sky is clearing. Can someone tell me what happens to the chemicals from the chemtrails and where they end up?
    thanks in advance for an answer

