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The term old soul has been coming up again and again lately. But what exactly does that actually mean? What is an old soul and how do you know if you are an old soul? First of all, it should be said that every person has a soul. The soul is the high-vibration, 5-dimensional aspect of every person. A high-vibration aspect or aspects that are based on high vibration frequencies can also be equated with the positive parts of a person. If you are friendly and, for example, are very loving towards another person at one moment, then you are acting from your spiritual mind at that moment (people also like to speak of the real you here).In this regard, there are different forms of the soul, that is, for example, there are young souls, old souls, mature souls, infant souls, etc. However, this article is mainly about old souls and their characteristics.

Characteristics and origin of an old soul

soul typesBasically, old souls are souls who have had countless incarnations. At this point it is important to know that every person or every soul is in the reincarnation cycle located. This cycle ultimately ensures that we humans are born again and again. We experience the most diverse incarnations and subconsciously strive for a consistent mental and spiritual development from life to life. We get to know new moral views, develop our thinking further and thus come closer to the goal of ending the reincarnation cycle. An old soul is already very advanced in this process and has lived through countless incarnations. For this reason, old souls are very advanced in their spiritual development and can unfold their spiritual potential more easily than souls who have only lived through a few incarnations. Old souls therefore often find it difficult to bow to social conventions. They have an extremely strong urge for freedom and cannot identify with energetically dense structures.

Old souls like to avoid energetically dense structures..!!

This could be expressed, for example, in the fact that old souls do not watch television, find advertising unbearable, have an inner aversion to artificiality of any kind, perceive an unnatural diet as very stressful, "artificial noise", for example the noise of a lawnmower, only hard to bear. On the other hand, old souls can be very spiritual, very perceptive due to their countless previous incarnations, and appreciative of the lives of other beings. In addition, old souls have a strong thirst for truth, can see through lies instantly, and are drawn to a carefree, truthful life. Of course, it must be said at this point that some of these characteristics can also apply to other soul types or that other souls, especially in today's new beginning universal age, can develop these characteristics. In the end, it looks like Old Souls have an abundance of these characteristics. In the video below, created by the awareness coach Marko Huemer, you can find out what other characteristics you can use to recognize an old soul. Have fun with it. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Jessica 19. December 2019, 11: 59

      Thank you for this video, I've been very concerned with spiritual topics since my childhood, I was always a little different, I often felt misunderstood in my childhood, things that other people of the same age did didn't interest me, my calling is mine Profession, I work in care, I do it with all my heart despite all the adversities, although I like working and helping people, in my private life I prefer my peace and quiet, large crowds drain me, I don't let myself be pressed into predetermined forms just because it suits society, i feel the pain and emotions of others whether human or animal even if i don't know them which is why i often turn off the news on the radio and very seldom open the newspaper because all these negative messages just drain and hurt me, i know Things often before someone tells me and I often have the feeling of being able to look into the soul of my counterpart, I am calm and balanced inside and what I notice more and more often, life and the things that happen don't scare me because I'm always a I find a solution, yes some things that happen to me, even if in the here and now for the first time they seem familiar to me, I'm not even afraid of dying because I know deep down that nothing bad is waiting for us!!! I claim and feel I am an old soul!!!

    Jessica 19. December 2019, 11: 59

    Thank you for this video, I've been very concerned with spiritual topics since my childhood, I was always a little different, I often felt misunderstood in my childhood, things that other people of the same age did didn't interest me, my calling is mine Profession, I work in care, I do it with all my heart despite all the adversities, although I like working and helping people, in my private life I prefer my peace and quiet, large crowds drain me, I don't let myself be pressed into predetermined forms just because it suits society, i feel the pain and emotions of others whether human or animal even if i don't know them which is why i often turn off the news on the radio and very seldom open the newspaper because all these negative messages just drain and hurt me, i know Things often before someone tells me and I often have the feeling of being able to look into the soul of my counterpart, I am calm and balanced inside and what I notice more and more often, life and the things that happen don't scare me because I'm always a I find a solution, yes some things that happen to me, even if in the here and now for the first time they seem familiar to me, I'm not even afraid of dying because I know deep down that nothing bad is waiting for us!!! I claim and feel I am an old soul!!!
