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Full moon

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Tomorrow the time has come and another full moon will reach us, to be precise it is a full moon in the zodiac sign Taurus, because the moon will change to the zodiac sign Taurus at 16:33 p.m. In this context, this full moon could be from the In terms of intensity, it can also be a very influential and intense full moon, and it may even represent the highlight of this stormy month.

The energetic peak of this month

Energetic peak in OctoberIf you look back over the past few days and weeks, a phase clearly emerges that, in terms of intensity, seems to have eclipsed everything in the previous months. In this regard, countless other people also reported on one of the most intense months ever, which was not only noticeable in countless mood swings, mental reorientations, changes in consciousness, upsetting moods, separations and new possibilities, but also in a completely new feeling about the world (your own world). to experience. This intensity began in September and new peaks were constantly reached in October. You could and can really feel how strong the current energy quality is and, above all, how much magic is present in the current time. Of course, many people find this time to be very strenuous, upsetting and tiring, but this can also be an indication of the currently magical quality of energy, because in this way we are being asked in the most direct way to lead a truthful life, i.e. one Live by not being subject to any or only a few mental blockages (disharmonic ideas → habits) and at the same time bringing our own ideas and actions into harmony with our mental ambitions and desires. Tomorrow's full moon will certainly benefit us in these projects and give us an immense boost of energy. Full moons in particular often give us very strong energies, which can be noticeable in all kinds of areas of life.

Among the ideals that can raise a person above himself and his environment, the elimination of worldly desires, the elimination of indolence and sleepiness, vanity and contempt, the overcoming of anxiety and restlessness and the renunciation of ill wishes are among the most essential. – Buddha..!!

And since the last full moon was really tough, there is a high probability that tomorrow's full moon will be the energetic highlight of this month. Aside from the generally very strong lunar energies, the aspect of the “Taurus” will also come to the fore in particular.

Growth & Development – ​​Break your bonds

Full moon In this context, Taurus is not only associated with possessions, habits, stability and security, but also with persistent behavior, an orientation towards our home (alignment with our roots - if necessary, devoting more attention to our own inner world - receiving impulses) and clinging to current patterns of life, be they of a disharmonious (or rather instructive) or even harmonious nature. Due to the full moon, we could be confronted with our own stuck behavior and thought patterns, which can certainly lead to tensions, i.e. we ourselves realize how counterproductive our own life patterns are and consequently feel the inner urge to break out of these life patterns. We notice that these circumstances certainly serve us as dualistic experiences, but in the long term they will no longer be of benefit to us (or only to a limited extent - it would be a constant repetition). Instead, a true life in harmony, peace and gratitude needs to be lived and experienced. The current frequency increases or the transition to a high-frequency collective state of consciousness challenges us to create more space for a true and, above all, abundant life. It also depends on us in which direction we control the expansion of our own inner space. At the end of the day, we are life! We are the space! We are creation, truth and life itself and therefore have unlimited potential. The full moon or tomorrow's energetic peak could therefore draw our attention to special decisions and consequences. What should finally be changed and what shouldn't?! What should finally come to an end and, above all, what new living conditions (states of consciousness) would I like to experience for myself?!

If you find your here and now unbearable and it makes you unhappy, then there are three options: leave the situation, change it or accept it completely. If you want to take responsibility for your life, you must choose one of these three options, and you must make the choice now. – Eckhart Tolle..!!

If we use its potential, the full moon can provide us with incredible support in growth and reveal completely new possibilities to us (countless important impulses can reach us - similar to the last full moon, which also had a very special presence and meaning in my life). Well, apart from exciting possibilities, one should not forget that the zodiac sign Aries is also associated with a certain calm, level-headedness, sociability and friendliness. We should therefore take advantage of these properties, even if the day can be strenuous in terms of intensity. Last but not least, it should be said that Venus, similar to the last new moon, continues to retrograde, which can additionally address our ability to love and our relationships (whether friendly, family or partnership). Here too it is about healing or rather the healing (becoming whole) of a corresponding bond. A process that only takes place in our consciousness and can only be carried out in our consciousness, because the entire external world and all relationships ultimately only represent a mirror of our own inner world. Our interactions and our feelings are always crucial. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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