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We are in an age that is being accompanied by a massive energetic increase in vibration. People become more sensitive and open their minds to various mysteries of life. More and more people are realizing that something in our world is going terribly wrong. For centuries people trusted political, media and industrial systems, and their activities were rarely questioned. Often what was presented to you was accepted, man ...

The man from earth is a 2007 American low budget science fiction film directed by Richard Schenkman. The film is a very special work. Due to the unique screenplay, it is particularly thought-provoking. The film is mainly about the protagonist John Oldman, who in the course of a conversation reveals to his work colleagues that he has been alive for 14000 years and is immortal. In the course of the evening, the conversation develops into a fascinating one ...

Why are so many people currently dealing with spiritual, high-vibrational topics? A few years ago this was not the case! At that time, these topics were ridiculed by many people, dismissed as nonsense. But currently, many people feel magically drawn to these topics. There is also a good reason for this and I would like to share it with you in this text explain in more detail. The first time I came into contact with such topics ...