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new moon

So now it's that time again and another new moon reaches us, to be precise a new moon in the powerful zodiac sign Leo. For this reason, tomorrow is also perfect for creating new things, for realizing thoughts that may have been lingering in our own subconscious for countless months. This is exactly how we can draw on perfectly renewable energies tomorrow, energies that will allow us to draw new things into our own lives again. This therefore primarily refers to new beginnings, drastic changes in one's own life or even reorientation regarding one's own life situations.  ...

Now it's that time again and today we're reaching the seventh new moon this year. Today's new moon is huge in terms of energies and is all about renewal and, above all, restructuring your own phases of life. So I was now able to notice some drastic changes in my social environment, or changes in familiar life situations, in established relationship patterns that were suddenly completely turned upside down - but more on that later in the article. As far as this is concerned, new moons as a whole also represent the realization of new trains of thought, ...

The second new moon this year brings with it a stormy week, an energetic high with no end in sight as of this writing. This new moon is in the zodiac sign Pisces and for some people heralds the completion of old thought patterns, thoughts from which we may have drawn a great deal of suffering in the past. On the other hand, this new moon in Pisces heralds the beginning of something new. ...