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With today's daily energy on November 01st, 2023, on the one hand, we are reaching the Samhain energies that continue to affect us, with which the transition into the cooler winter months was initiated. On the other hand, the influences of the Feast of All Saints or also known as the Feast of All Souls reach us. In this context, All Saints Day is also a day of remembrance on which all saints and departed souls are remembered. ...

With today's daily energy on October 31, 2023, the influences of the third annual lunar festival Samhain (starting from the true beginning of the year on March 20th - the beginning of the spring equinox). For this reason, a very magical energy quality will reach us, because the annual 4 moon and sun festivals in particular bring us excitement every time ...

With today's daily energy on October 28, 2023, the powerful energy of the penumbral lunar eclipse reaches us. The lunar eclipse begins at 20:00 p.m., the moon then enters the penumbra, at 21:30 p.m. the moon enters the umbra, the maximum point of the lunar eclipse is reached at 22:14 p.m. and leaves at 22:50 p.m the moon forms the umbra and at 00:28 a.m. the eclipse ends completely. We are now confronted with the full effects of this ancient energy quality, which not only leads to stressful circumstances Conclusion will lead to, i.e. circumstances that occurred on the day of the partial solar eclipse two weeks ago ...

With today's daily energy on October 14, 2023, an extremely powerful event will reach us, because in the evening, i.e. around 18:00 p.m., an annular solar eclipse will reach us. The partial eclipse begins at 17:03 p.m., the complete eclipse is reached around 20:00 p.m. and the solar eclipse ends at 22:56 p.m. This is why we reach out ...

With today's daily energy on October 03rd, 2023, we are experiencing the third day of the “Month of Order”. October has so far started with great intensity, as the beginning of the month was already influenced by the strong super full moon (29 September) is very strongly influenced, which is why this quality also has a massive influence on the first week of the month. On the other hand, the second month of autumn now completely initiates the cycle change, i.e. we can fully experience the magical change within nature ...

With today's daily energy on September 23, 2023, we have a very special energy quality, because today is mainly marked by one of the four annual sun festivals, the autumn equinox (Equinox – also called Mabon) embossed. So we not only reach the energetic peak this month, but also one of the magical highlights of the year. ...

With today's daily energy on September 15, 2023, on the one hand, an order-creating new moon reaches us in the zodiac sign Virgo (its full new moon form was already manifest at 03:40 a.m. that night), opposite which the sun is also in the zodiac sign Virgo and on the other side Mercury is going direct again in the zodiac sign Virgo. Ultimately, this creates more upswing again, after all, a total of 7 planets are currently retrograde. ...