As mentioned in my article yesterday about the current increase in vibration, some people have experienced stormy times in the past few weeks. The energetic influences were of great intensity and much that was not in harmony with our own soul, with our own intentions, now came to the fore more strongly than ever and subsequently put a strain on our own mind/body/spirit system. Whether it was unresolved inner conflicts, mental problems, various remaining shadows, all of this was catapulted into our own daily consciousness with dramatic speed during this time and asked us to look into our innermost being ...
We are currently in a very special time, a time that is accompanied by constant increases in vibrational frequency. These high incoming frequencies transport old mental problems, trauma, mental conflicts and karmic baggage into our daily consciousness, prompting us to dissolve them in order to then be able to create more space for a positive spectrum of thoughts. In this context, the vibrational frequency of the collective state of consciousness adapts to that of the earth, whereby open spiritual wounds are exposed more than ever. Only when we let go of our past in this regard, eliminate/transform old karmic patterns and work through our own mental problems again, will it be possible to remain permanently in a high frequency. ...
After a few weeks it's that time again and the next portal day will reach us tomorrow. As far as that is concerned, only a few portal days reached us in April, to be exact 4. This month is also a bit quieter in this regard and 4 portal days reach us, 2 at the beginning of the month (02/04) and 2 at the end of the month (23rd/24th). To take up the whole topic again briefly in this context, portal days are days predicted by the Maya on which a particularly high level of cosmic radiation will reach us. ...
Tomorrow, February 20, 2017, another portal day arrives (days predicted by the Maya when high cosmic radiation will reach us) and with it some astronomical events are taking place in parallel. On the one hand, the sun changes to the zodiac sign Pisces and thus announces an influential change, on the other hand, the waning phase of the moon continues to progress, which ends on February 26th, in the second new moon of this year. ...
Today the first new moon of this year appears in the night sky. The new moon is in the zodiac sign Aquarius and gives us humans an impulse that is ultimately beneficial for our own spiritual development and can initiate a change. In this context, the moon always has an energetic influence on us humans. Whether full moon or even new moon, in each phase of the moon our current state of consciousness is fed with completely individual vibration frequencies. In exactly the same way, the current zodiac sign that the moon is passing through at that time also flows into this lunar radiation. ...
Since 2012, humanity has experienced a continuous energetic increase. This subtle rise, caused by increased cosmic radiation, which in turn is due to the solar system that has now arrived in an energetically charged/light area of our galaxy, influences our own psyche and leads us humans into a process of spiritual awakening. The basic energetic vibration on our planet has been increasing for years and especially in this year (2016) our planet and all the creatures living on it experienced a huge increase. ...
Each season is unique in its own way. Each season has its own charm and just as much its own profound meaning. In this regard, winter is a rather quiet season, heralding both the end and the new beginning of a year and possessing a fascinating, magical aura. As for me personally, I've always been someone who finds winter very special. There's something mystical, graceful, even nostalgic about winter, and every year as fall ends and wintertime begins, I get a very familiar, "time-travelling" feeling. ...
All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!