For countless years mankind has been going through a tremendous awakening process, i.e. a process in which we not only find ourselves and consequently become aware that we ourselves are powerful creators ...
The very exciting year 2017 is as good as over and now the new year 2018 will reach us tomorrow night. We can expect a lot from this year, because this year not only announces a time in which our ...
In recent years, more and more people have been talking about a so-called critical mass. The critical mass means a larger number of "awakened" people, i.e. people who firstly deal with their own primal reason (the creative powers of their own spirit) and secondly have gotten a glimpse behind the scenes again (recognize that disinformation based system). In this context, many people now assume that this critical mass will be reached at some point, which will ultimately lead to a widespread awakening process. ...
For several years there has been talk of a so-called time of purification, i.e. a special phase that will reach us sometime in this or even the coming decade and should accompany part of humanity into a new age. People who, in turn, are well developed from a consciousness-technical point of view, have a very pronounced mental identification and also have a connection to Christ consciousness (a high state of consciousness in which love, harmony, peace and happiness are present), should "ascend" in the course of this purification “, the rest would miss the boat ...
The golden age has been mentioned several times in various ancient writings + treatises and means an age in which global peace, financial justice and, above all, the respectful treatment of our fellow human beings, animals and nature will be present. It is a time when mankind has fully fathomed its own ground and, as a result, is living in harmony with nature. The Newly Begun Cosmic Cycle (December 21, 2012 - Beginning of a 13.000 year "Awakening - High State of Consciousness" - Galactic Pulse) established in this context the provisional beginning of this time (there were also circumstances/signs of change beginning before that) and heralded an incipient worldwide change, which first of all is noticeable on all levels of existence ...
All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!