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Cycles and cycles are an integral part of our lives. We humans are accompanied by the most diverse cycles. In this context, these different cycles can be traced back to the principle of rhythm and vibration, and because of this principle, every human being also experiences an overarching, almost incomprehensible cycle, namely the cycle of rebirth. Ultimately, many people wonder if the so-called reincarnation cycle, or cycle of rebirth, exists. One often asks oneself what happens after death, whether we humans continue to exist in some way. ...

The term old soul has been coming up again and again lately. But what exactly does that actually mean? What is an old soul and how do you know if you are an old soul? First of all, it should be said that every person has a soul. The soul is the high-vibration, 5-dimensional aspect of every person. A high-vibration aspect or aspects that are based on high vibration frequencies can also be equated with the positive parts of a person. If you are friendly and, for example, are very loving towards another person at one moment, then you are acting from your spiritual mind at that moment (people also like to speak of the real you here). ...

Reincarnation is an integral part of a person's life. The reincarnation cycle ensures that we humans are incarnated again and again over thousands of years in new bodies in order to be able to experience the game of duality again. We are born again, subconsciously striving for the realization of our own soul plan, developing mentally/emotionally/physically, gaining new perspectives and repeating this cycle. You can only end this cycle by developing yourself extremely mentally/emotionally or by increasing your own vibration frequency in such a way that you yourself assume a completely light/positive/true state (acting from the true self). ...

For thousands of years our soul has been in a recurring cycle of life and death. This cycle, also that reincarnation cycle called, is an overarching cycle that ultimately assigns us to an energetic level based on our earthly stage of development after death. In doing so, we learn new views autodidactically from life to life, continue to develop, expand our consciousness, resolve karmic entanglements and progress in the process of reincarnation. In this context, every person has a pre-constructed soul plan that needs to be fulfilled again in life. ...

The question of whether there is life after death has occupied countless people for thousands of years. In this regard, some people instinctively assume that after death occurs, one would end up in a so-called nothingness, a place where nothing exists and one's own existence has no meaning anymore. On the other hand, one has always heard of people who are firmly convinced that there is life after death. People who got interesting insights into a completely new world due to near-death experiences. Furthermore, different children appeared again and again, who could remember a previous life in detail. ...

What exactly happens when death occurs? Does death even exist and if so, where do we find ourselves again when our physical shells decay and our immaterial structures leave our physical bodies? Some people are convinced that even after life you enter something called nothing. A place where nothing exists and you no longer have any meaning. Some others believe in a principle of hell and heaven. The people who have achieved good things in life Paradise occur and that people who had rather evil intentions end up in a dark, painful place. ...

Is there a life after death? What happens to our soul or our spiritual presence when our physical structures disintegrate and death occurs? The Russian researcher Konstantin Korotkov has dealt extensively with these and similar questions in the past and a few years ago he managed to create unique and rare recordings on the basis of his research work. Because Korotkov photographed a dying person with a bioelectrographic ...