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The increasingly important spiritual awakening of human civilization has become unstoppable for several years. More and more people are achieving life-changing self-knowledge and, as a result, experiencing a complete realignment of their own mental state. Your own original or learned/conditioned beliefs, convictions, ...

In this article I refer to an ancient prophecy from the Bulgarian spiritual teacher Peter Konstantinov Deunov, also known as Beinsa Douno, who received a prophecy in a trance shortly before his death, which is now reaching more and more people in this new age . This prophecy is about the transformation of the planet, about the collective further development and, above all, about the huge change, the extent of which is particularly the current one ...

Simply put, everything in existence consists of energy or rather energetic states that have a corresponding frequency. Even matter is energy deep down, but due to energetically dense states, it takes on characteristics that we identify as matter in the traditional sense (energy vibrating at a low frequency). Even our state of consciousness, which is largely responsible for the experience and manifestation of states/circumstances (we are the creators of our own reality), consists of energy that vibrates at a corresponding frequency (the life of a person whose entire existence points away from a completely individual energetic signature shows a constantly changing state of vibration). ...

Today's daily energy on January 03rd, 2017 stands for our earthly love, which we can connect with divine love. This divine love goes beyond everything we have ever known and basically means a love for everything that is, i.e. a complete love and acceptance of our own origins. This love is also characterized by a strong feeling of connection and allows us to grasp life completely without judgment.

Very favorable star constellations

We can experience such a divine state every day, so deep down we humans are also divine beings, we represent the space in which everything happens, we are life itself and can create or even destroy life from our spiritual structures. The permanent use of our mental creative powers (we create new living conditions, situations and events with our minds every day) shows us at any time, in any place, that we are powerful creators of our own circumstances - the designers our own reality (not to be confused with anthropocentricity). As a rule, we have our lives in our own hands and how we shape our current circumstances and which path in life we ​​choose depends solely on the thoughts that we legitimize in our own minds. Ultimately, today the use of our own creative powers, or rather our connection to divine love, can be developed much more easily than on other days, at least if you are guided by the current star constellations. So today Venus and Neptune connect with each other, forming a sextile (angular relationship 60 degrees - harmonious constellation), which is why our earthly love can be connected to divine love for two days. Apart from that, this constellation gives us a refined emotional and emotional life, a love of humanity and a receptivity to beauty, art and music. In the same way, we detest everything coarse and ordinary. Since yesterday the influence of art was also greatly increased by the Sun and Neptune, today could even be of a highly creative nature. From an astrological point of view, this is an absolute top day. Parallel to this constellation, the moon changed to the zodiac sign Leo at 08:22 a.m. today, which means we could also be dominant and self-confident. Since the lion is the sign of self-expression, of the theater, of the stage, an outward orientation could also prevail. Pleasure and enjoyment could also be in the foreground through this lunar connection.

Aside from a very harmonious star constellation, today we are definitely experiencing the effects of a massive weather intervention. The very atypical New Year's hurricane low “Burglind”, which was sometimes accompanied by huge thunderstorms, will definitely not be the result of chance and will be attributed to Haarp and co. go..!!

Aside from the star constellations, other massive influences also reach us, in keeping with yesterday. An indication of this would at least be a very stormy weather situation that reached us today. As far as that goes, it got a little windy last night, but this morning it got really loud. So I was woken up at about 07:30 a.m. by a massive thunderstorm and strong gusts of wind. There was more lightning outside than I had seen in a long time and at the same time rain was lashing against the windows. This quite atypical New Year's weather therefore embodied wonderfully intense influences or a stormy circumstance that was either natural or artificial/machine in nature (geoengineering, - keyword: Haarp), although from experience I tend towards the latter. Weather manipulation has now become part of everyday life and there are hardly any days left when our weather isn't being manipulated. Well, ultimately we shouldn't focus too much on it or let it influence us in a negative way, but instead enjoy the very harmonious star constellation. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Star Constellations Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2018/Januar/3

In today's world, more and more people are becoming aware that the chaos on our planet, i.e. the warlike and plundered planetary circumstance, is not the result of chance, but was brought about by greedy and satanically oriented families (Rothschilds and co.). This is not meant to be blame, it is much more a fact that has lingered in secret for centuries, ...

In recent years, more and more people have been talking about a so-called critical mass. The critical mass means a larger number of "awakened" people, i.e. people who firstly deal with their own primal reason (the creative powers of their own spirit) and secondly have gotten a glimpse behind the scenes again (recognize that disinformation based system). In this context, many people now assume that this critical mass will be reached at some point, which will ultimately lead to a widespread awakening process. ...

For several years, more and more people have recognized the energetically dense entanglements of a system that is ultimately not interested in the development and further development of our mental state, but rather tries with all its might to keep us captive in an illusion, i.e. in an illusion world in which we in turn live a life in which we not only see ourselves as small and insignificant, yes, ...