As I have often mentioned on my blog, due to a current planetary transformation, a phase is taking place in which humanity, across the board, frees itself from its own profound programming or conditioning. ...

The power of our own mind is limitless. Because of our spiritual presence, we can create new circumstances and also lead a life that completely corresponds to our own ideas. But we often block ourselves and limit our own ...

As we have already mentioned several times, we have been experiencing permanent increases in vibration frequency for several years, which in turn promote a massive further development of the collective state of consciousness. These frequency increases are due to special cosmic circumstances and ensure an increase in our own sensitive abilities, making us clearer, sharper, ...

The daily energy of today stands for a revision of our own ways of thinking and acting, for the reprogramming of our own subconscious, for the integration of new aspects of life. For this reason, today is also accompanied by change and can lead to us humans legitimizing changes in our own mind again. In this context, change is also an important part of life and should therefore always be experienced and accepted. Rigidity or rather staying in rigid life patterns is what concerns this ...

As mentioned several times in my articles, consciousness is the quintessence of our life or the basic basis of our existence. Consciousness is also often equated with spirit. The Great Spirit, again, often spoken of, is therefore an all-encompassing awareness that ultimately flows through everything in existence, gives form to everything in existence, and is responsible for all creative expression. In this context, the entire existence is an expression of consciousness. ...

All existence is an expression of consciousness. For this reason, one also likes to speak of an all-pervading, intelligent creative spirit, which firstly represents our own primal ground and secondly gives form to an energetic network (everything consists of spirit, spirit in turn consists of energy, energetic states that have a corresponding vibration frequency). . Likewise, a person's entire life is just a product of their own mind, a product of their own mental spectrum, their own mental imagination. ...

The subconscious is the largest and most hidden part of our own mind. Our own programming, i.e. beliefs, convictions and other important ideas about life, are anchored in it. For this reason, the subconscious is also a special aspect of a human being, because it is responsible for creating our own reality. As I have often mentioned in my texts, a person's entire life is ultimately a product of their own mind, their own mental imagination. Here one also likes to speak of an immaterial projection of our own mind. ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!