≡ Menus


People have been in the reincarnation cycle for countless incarnations. As soon as we die and physical death occurs, a so-called vibrational frequency change occurs, in which we humans experience a completely new, but still familiar phase of life. We reach the afterlife, a place that exists apart from this world (the afterlife has absolutely nothing to do with what Christianity propagates to us). For this reason, we do not enter a “nothingness”, a supposed, “non-existent level” in which all life completely disappears and one no longer exists in any way. In fact, the opposite is the case. There is no nothing (nothing can arise from nothing, nothing can get into nothing), rather we humans continue to exist forever and reincarnate again and again into different lives with the aim of ...

Is it possible to attain physical immortality? Almost everyone has already dealt with this fascinating question in the course of their life, but hardly anyone has come to groundbreaking insights. Being able to achieve physical immortality would be a very worthwhile goal and for this reason many people in the past human history have been looking for a way to put this project into practice. But what is really behind this seemingly unattainable goal? ...