≡ Menus


The entire existence of a person is permanently shaped by 7 different universal laws (also called the hermetic laws). These laws exert a tremendous influence on human consciousness and unfold their effect on all levels of existence. Whether material or immaterial structures, these laws affect all existing conditions and characterize the entire life of a person in this context. No living being can escape these powerful laws. ...

The state of consciousness of every human being has been in one for several years process of awakening. A very special cosmic radiation causes the planetary vibration frequency to increase dramatically. This increase in vibrational frequency ultimately results in an expansion of the collective state of consciousness. The effect of this strong energetic vibration increase can be felt on all levels of existence. Ultimately, this cosmic change also leads to humanity re-exploring its own primal ground and achieving groundbreaking self-knowledge. ..

Thought is the fastest constant in existence. Nothing can travel faster than thought energy, even the speed of light is nowhere near faster. There are various reasons why thought is the fastest constant in the universe. On the one hand, thoughts are timeless, a circumstance that leads to them being permanently present and omnipresent. On the other hand, thoughts are completely immaterial and can achieve anything and anyone in a moment. ...

The universe is one of the most fascinating and mysterious places imaginable. Due to the apparently infinite number of galaxies, solar systems, planets and other systems, the universe is one of the largest, unknown cosmos imaginable. For this reason, people have been philosophizing about this enormous network for as long as we have lived. How long has the universe existed, how did it come about, is it finite or even infinite in size. ...