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The Maca plant is a superfood that has been cultivated in the higher altitudes of the Peruvian Andes for around 2000 years and is often used as a medicinal plant due to its highly potent ingredients. In the past few decades, Maca was relatively unknown and only used by a few people. Today the situation is different and more and more people are taking advantage of the beneficial and healing spectrum of effects of the magic tuber. On the one hand, the tuber is used as a natural aphrodisiac and is therefore used in naturopathy for potency and libido problems, on the other hand, Maca is often used by athletes to increase their performance. ...

Superfoods have been trending for some time now. More and more people are taking these and improving their own mental well-being. Superfoods are extraordinary foods and there are reasons for that. On the one hand, superfoods are foods/dietary supplements that contain a particularly high concentration of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, various phytochemicals, antioxidants and amino acids). Basically, they are vital substance bombs that you cannot find anywhere in nature. ...

Spirulina (the green gold from the lake) is a superfood rich in vital substances that contains a whole wealth of different, high-quality nutrients. The ancient alga is mainly found in strongly alkaline waters and has been popular with a wide variety of cultures since time immemorial due to its health-promoting effects. Even the Aztecs used spirulina at the time and extracted the raw material from Lake Texcoco in Mexico. A long time ...

Turmeric or yellow ginger, also known as Indian saffron, is a spice obtained from the root of the turmeric plant. The spice originally comes from Southeast Asia, but is now also cultivated in India and South America. Due to its 600 potent healing substances, the spice is said to have countless healing effects and accordingly turmeric is often used in naturopathy. What healing effects turmeric exactly ...

More and more people are currently using superfoods and that's a good thing! Our planet Gaia has a fascinating and vibrant nature. Many medicinal plants and beneficial herbs have been forgotten over the centuries, but the situation is currently changing again and the trend is increasingly towards a healthy lifestyle and natural nutrition. But what exactly are superfoods and do we really need them? As superfoods are only allowed ...