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A few years ago, on December 21, 2012 to be precise, a massive spiritual change or a real quantum leap into awakening was initiated due to very special cosmic circumstances (keywords: synchronization, Pleiades, galactic pulse), which ultimately led to that we humans gradually experienced an increase in our own vibrational frequency. In this context, this increase in vibration frequency also led to a further development of the collective state of consciousness (this further development is of course far from complete and is needed ...

In today's world it seems completely normal that we humans are addicted to a wide variety of things/substances. Whether this is tobacco, alcohol (or generally mind-altering substances), energetically dense foods (i.e. ready-made products, fast food, soft drinks etc.), coffee (caffeine addiction), a dependency on certain medications, gambling addiction, a dependency on living conditions, ...

For some time now, fewer and fewer people have been able to tolerate energetically dense foods (unnatural/low-frequency foods). In some people, a real intolerance becomes noticeable. The consumption of corresponding foods therefore brings with it ever stronger side effects. Whether it's concentration problems, suddenly occurring increased blood pressure, headaches, feelings of weakness or even general physical impairments, the list of side effects that now seems to be ...

As mentioned several times in my text, the entire world is ultimately just an immaterial/spiritual projection of one's own state of consciousness. Matter therefore does not exist, or is matter something completely different from what we imagine it to be, namely compressed energy, an energetic state that oscillates at a low frequency. In this context, every human being has a completely individual vibration frequency, and one often speaks of a unique energetic signature that changes continuously. For that matter, our own vibrational frequency can increase or decrease. Positive thoughts increase our frequency, negative thoughts decrease it, the result is a burden on our own mind, which in turn puts a heavy strain on our own immune system. ...

In today's world, most people are dependent or addicted to "foods" that actually have a negative impact on our own health. Be it various finished products, fast food, sugary foods (sweets), high-fat foods (mostly animal products) or foods in general that have been enriched with a wide variety of additives. ...

Nowadays, most people are addicted to a wide variety of addictive substances. Whether from tobacco, alcohol, coffee, various drugs, fast food or other substances, people tend to become dependent on pleasure and addictive substances. The problem with this, however, is that all addictions limit our own mental abilities and apart from that dominate our own mind, our state of consciousness. You lose control of your own body, become less concentrated, more nervous, more lethargic and it is difficult for you to do without these stimulants. ...

We are often accompanied by various stimulants in everyday life, all of which condense our own energetic vibration level over a longer period of time. Some of these stimulants are "foods" that we even assume give us energy and strength for the day. Be it the coffee in the morning, the energy drink before work or smoking cigarettes. ...