In today's world, many people struggle with a wide variety of allergic diseases. Whether it is hay fever, an animal hair allergy, various food allergies, a latex allergy or even an allergy ...
Self-healing powers

The topic of self-healing has been on the minds of more and more people for several years. In doing so, we come into our own creative power and realize that we are not only responsible for our own suffering (we have, at least as a rule, created the cause ourselves), ...

In today's world, many people are struggling with various ailments. This does not only refer to physical illnesses, but mainly to mental illnesses. The currently existing sham system is designed in such a way that it promotes the development of a wide variety of ailments. Of course, at the end of the day we humans are responsible for what we experience and good or bad luck, joy or sorrow are born in our own mind. The system only supports - for example by spreading fears, the confinement in a performance-oriented and precarious ...

As mentioned in some of my articles, almost every disease can be cured. Any suffering can usually be overcome, unless you have completely given up on yourself or the circumstances are just so precarious that healing can no longer be accomplished. Nevertheless, we can alone with utilizing our own mental ...

Our own minds are extremely powerful and have gigantic creative potential. So our own mind is primarily responsible for creating/changing/shaping our own reality. No matter what may happen in a person's life, no matter what a person will experience in the future, everything in this context depends on the orientation of his own mind, on the quality of his own mental spectrum. All future actions arise from our own thoughts. You imagine something, ...

As I have often mentioned in my texts, illnesses always first arise in our own mind, in our own consciousness. Since ultimately the entire reality of a human being is merely a result of his own consciousness, his own thought spectrum (everything arises from thoughts), not only our life events, actions and beliefs/beliefs are born in our own consciousness, but also diseases. In this context, every illness has a spiritual cause. ...

In today's world, it's normal to get sick on a regular basis. For most people, for example, it is not unusual to occasionally get the flu, a cold, a middle ear or a sore throat. At a later age, complications such as diabetes, dementia, cancer, heart attacks or other coronary diseases are a matter of course. One is completely convinced that almost everyone will fall ill with certain diseases in the course of their life and that this cannot be prevented (apart from a few preventive measures). ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!