≡ Menus


Now it's that time again and the sixth full moon of this year is reaching us, to be precise even a full moon in the zodiac sign Sagittarius. This full moon brings with it some profound changes and for many people it can represent a drastic change in their own lives. So we are currently in a special phase in which it is about a complete realignment of our own state of consciousness. We can now align our own actions with our own psychic desires. For this reason, many areas of life come to an end and at the same time to an essential new beginning. ...

As I have often mentioned in my texts, illnesses always first arise in our own mind, in our own consciousness. Since ultimately the entire reality of a human being is merely a result of his own consciousness, his own thought spectrum (everything arises from thoughts), not only our life events, actions and beliefs/beliefs are born in our own consciousness, but also diseases. In this context, every illness has a spiritual cause. ...

We are currently in a very special time, a time that is accompanied by constant increases in vibrational frequency. These high incoming frequencies transport old mental problems, trauma, mental conflicts and karmic baggage into our daily consciousness, prompting us to dissolve them in order to then be able to create more space for a positive spectrum of thoughts. In this context, the vibrational frequency of the collective state of consciousness adapts to that of the earth, whereby open spiritual wounds are exposed more than ever. Only when we let go of our past in this regard, eliminate/transform old karmic patterns and work through our own mental problems again, will it be possible to remain permanently in a high frequency. ...

People have been in the reincarnation cycle for countless incarnations. As soon as we die and physical death occurs, a so-called vibrational frequency change occurs, in which we humans experience a completely new, but still familiar phase of life. We reach the afterlife, a place that exists apart from this world (the afterlife has absolutely nothing to do with what Christianity propagates to us). For this reason, we do not enter a “nothingness”, a supposed, “non-existent level” in which all life completely disappears and one no longer exists in any way. In fact, the opposite is the case. There is no nothing (nothing can arise from nothing, nothing can get into nothing), rather we humans continue to exist forever and reincarnate again and again into different lives with the aim of ...

You are important, unique, something very special, a powerful creator of your own reality, an impressive spiritual being who in turn has enormous intellectual potential. With the help of this powerful potential that lies dormant deep within each human being, we can create a life that corresponds completely to our own ideas. Nothing is impossible, on the contrary, as mentioned in one of my last articles, there are basically no limits, only the limits that we create ourselves. Self-imposed limits, mental blocks, negative beliefs that ultimately stand in the way of realizing a happy life. ...

Every human being is in the reincarnation cycle. This Cycle of rebirth is responsible in this context for the fact that we humans experience several lives. It may even be the case that some people have had countless, even hundreds, of different lives. The more often one has been reborn in this regard, the higher is one's own age of incarnationConversely, of course, there is also a low age of incarnation, which in turn explains the phenomenon of old and young souls. Well, ultimately this reincarnation process serves our own mental and spiritual development. ...

Every person has a soul. The soul represents our high-vibration, intuitive aspect, our true self, which in turn is expressed in an individual way in countless incarnations. In this context, we continue to evolve from life to life, we expand our own state of consciousness, gain new moral views and gain an ever-stronger connection to our soul. Due to the newly acquired moral views, for example the realization that one has no right to harm nature, an increased identification with our own soul begins. ...