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Deep inside, every human being consists exclusively of energetic states, which in turn vibrate at frequencies. The current state of consciousness of a person has a completely individual vibration frequency. This vibration frequency changes almost every second, is subject to a constant increase or decrease. Ultimately, these changes in one's vibrational frequency are due to a person's spirit. The mind basically means the interaction of the conscious and subconscious. ...

Mankind is currently in a phase of spiritual upheaval. In this context, the newly beginning platonic year heralded an age in which mankind experiences a consistent expansion of its own consciousness due to massive energetic frequency increases. For this reason, the current planetary circumstance is accompanied time and again by energetic surges of various intensities. Energetic boosts which in turn massively raise the vibration level of every human being. At the same time, these energetic surges lead to the tremendous transformation processes that can take place in every human being. ...

A person's state of consciousness has a completely individual frequency of vibration. Our own thoughts exert an enormous influence on this vibration frequency, positive thoughts increase our frequency, negative ones reduce it. In exactly the same way, the foods we eat influence our own frequented state. Energetically light foods or foods with an extremely high, natural vital substance content increase our frequency. On the other hand, energetically dense foods, i.e. foods with a low vital substance content, foods that have been chemically enriched, reduce our own frequency. ...

Everything in existence consists solely of energetic states. These energetic states in turn possess a unique vibrational level, energy vibrating at frequencies. In exactly the same way, the human body consists exclusively of a vibrating energetic state. Your own level of vibration constantly changes frequency. Positivity of any kind, or in other words, all those things that strengthen our own mental state and make us naturally more joyful, raise our own vibrational frequency. Negativity of any kind or anything that worsens our own mental state and makes us more unhappy, more suffering, in turn diminishes our own haunted state. ...

Everything vibrates, moves and is subject to constant change. Whether the universe or the human being, life never stays the same for a second. We are all constantly changing, constantly expanding our consciousness and constantly experiencing a change in our own omnipresent reality. The Greek-Armenian writer and composer Georges I Gurdjieff said that it is a big mistake to think that one person is always the same. A person is never the same for long. ...

Everything flows in and out. Everything has its tides. Everything rises and falls. Everything is vibration. This phrase describes in simple terms the hermetic law of the principle of rhythm and vibration. This universal law describes the ever-existing and never-ending flow of life, which shapes our existence at all times and in all places. I will explain exactly what this law is all about ...