In today's world, belief in God or even the knowledge of one's own divine ground is something that has experienced a reversal at least in the last 10-20 years (the situation is currently changing). So our society was increasingly shaped by science (more mind-oriented) and rejected ...
As mentioned several times in my posts, the entire existence or the complete perceptible outer world is a projection of our own current mental state. Our own state of being, one could also say our current existential expression, which in turn is significantly shaped by the orientation and quality of our state of consciousness and also our mental state, ...
As I have often mentioned in my articles, we humans ourselves represent an image of a great spirit, i.e. an image of a mental structure that flows through everything (an energetic network that is given shape by an intelligent spirit). This spiritual, consciousness-based primal reason manifests itself in everything that exists and is expressed in a variety of ways. ...
Today's daytime energy, November 08th, is definitely positive in nature and may bring us some happy moments. On the other hand, today's influences can also be of a very changeable or strenuous nature, especially in the morning and in the evening it will be a little more stormy. Otherwise, today's daily energy is generally due to luck, ...
In today's world, most people lead lives in which God plays either a minor role or almost no role at all. The latter in particular is often the case and so we live in a largely godless world, i.e. a world in which God, or rather a divine existence, is either not taken into account for humans at all or is interpreted in a completely isolating way. Ultimately, this is also related to our energetically dense/low frequency-based system, a system that was firstly created by occultists/Satanists (for consciousness control - suppression of our spirit) and secondly for the development of our own egoistic mind ...
I have often mentioned in my texts that since the beginning of the Age of Aquarius (December 21, 2012) a veritable search for truth has been taking place on our planet. This finding of truth can be traced back to a planetary frequency increase, which, due to very special cosmic circumstances, seriously changes our life on earth every 26.000 years. Here one could also speak of a cyclical elevation of consciousness, a period in which the collective state of consciousness is automatically increased. ...
Today's daily energy once again stands for trust in our own elemental power, stands for our own creative powers and the associated impulses that are currently reaching us almost continuously. In this context, the current phase is also very fast-moving and humanity is experiencing a collective development that is progressing so quickly that it is truly impressive. Everything is evolving at a rapid pace ...
All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!