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Almost every person strives to create a reality in their life (every person creates their own reality based on their own mental spectrum), which in turn is accompanied by happiness, success and love. At the same time, we all write the most diverse stories and take the most varied of paths in order to be able to achieve this goal. For this reason, we always strive to develop ourselves further, look everywhere for this supposed success, for happiness and always go in search of love. Nevertheless, some people do not find what they are looking for and spend their whole lives in search of happiness, success and love. [continue reading...]

The law of resonance is a very special topic that more and more people have been dealing with in recent years. Put simply, this law states that like always attracts like. Ultimately, this means that energy or energetic states that oscillate at a corresponding frequency always attract states that oscillate at the same frequency. If you're happy, you'll only attract more things that make you happy, or rather, focusing on that feeling will make that feeling amplify. ...

Every human being has certain wishes and dreams, ideas about life that are transported into our daily consciousness again and again in the course of life and await their corresponding realization. These dreams are deeply anchored in our own subconscious and rob many people of their daily life energy, ensure that we can no longer focus on the essentials and instead are mentally permanently in resonance with lack. In this context, we often fail to realize corresponding thoughts or wishes. We don't get what we want, so as a rule we often remain in a negatively oriented state of consciousness and as a result usually get nothing. ...

As I have often mentioned in my texts, your own mind works like a strong magnet that draws everything into your life with which it resonates. Our consciousness and the resulting thought processes connect us with everything that exists (everything is one and one is everything), link us to the entire creation on an immaterial level (one reason why our thoughts can reach and influence the collective state of consciousness). For this reason, our own thoughts are decisive for the further course of our own life, because after all it is our thoughts that enable us to be able to resonate with something in the first place. ...

In the course of life, we humans experience a wide variety of consciousness and living conditions. Some of these circumstances are filled with happiness, others with unhappiness. For example, there are moments when we just have the feeling that everything is somehow coming to us with ease. We feel good, happy, satisfied, self-confident, strong and enjoy such upswing phases. On the other hand, we are also living through dark times. Moments when we just don't feel good, are dissatisfied with ourselves, experience depressive moods and at the same time feel like we are being followed by bad luck. ...

In today's society, the lives of many people are accompanied by suffering and lack, a circumstance caused by an awareness of lack. You don't see the world as it is, but as you are. This is exactly how you get what corresponds to the frequency of your own state of consciousness. Our own mind works like a magnet in this context. A spiritual magnet that allows us to attract whatever we want into our lives. Someone who mentally identifies with lack or keeps focusing on lack will only attract more lack into their own lives. An unchangeable law, in the end one always draws into one's own life what also corresponds to one's own frequency of vibration, one's own thoughts and feelings. ...

We humans experience a wide variety of situations and events in our lives. Every day we experience new life situations, new moments that are in no way similar to previous moments. No second is like the other, no day is like the other and so it is natural that we encounter the most diverse people, animals or even natural phenomena over the course of our lives. It is important to understand that every encounter should take place in exactly the same way, that every encounter or that everything that comes into our perception also has something to do with us. Nothing happens by chance and every encounter has a deeper meaning, a special meaning. ...