As I have often mentioned on my blog, due to a current planetary transformation, a phase is taking place in which humanity, across the board, frees itself from its own profound programming or conditioning. ...

The power of our own mind is limitless. Because of our spiritual presence, we can create new circumstances and also lead a life that completely corresponds to our own ideas. But we often block ourselves and limit our own ...

Fewer and fewer people are watching television and for good reason. The world that is presented to us there, which is completely over the top and maintains appearances, is increasingly being avoided, since fewer and fewer people can identify with the corresponding content. Whether it's news broadcasts, where you know in advance that there will be one-sided reports (the interests of various system-controlling authorities are represented), ...

All existence is an expression of consciousness. For this reason, one also likes to speak of an all-pervading, intelligent creative spirit, which firstly represents our own primal ground and secondly gives form to an energetic network (everything consists of spirit, spirit in turn consists of energy, energetic states that have a corresponding vibration frequency). . Likewise, a person's entire life is just a product of their own mind, a product of their own mental spectrum, their own mental imagination. ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!