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portal day

Now it's that time again and we're getting another portal day, to be precise even the sixth and last portal day of this month. As far as the portal days are concerned, it will be a little quieter again until September 6th, only then will we get portal days again, even a whole lot of them, 10 in a row. In the following month this trend then also continues, which for our planetary circumstance is a tremendous flood ...

The daily energy today is of great intensity. So today another portal day reaches us, which once again brings with it a lot of potential. Because of this, we are again given special access to our own innermost core and can deal more intensively with our own primal ground, with our own mental aspects. In this context, we ...

So now it's that time again and we're getting another portal day, to be precise even the third portal day of this month. For this reason, we humans experience increased cosmic radiation again today, which stirs up all kinds of hidden feelings and programs/thoughts anchored in the subconscious. In the end, all doors are open to us and we can look into our innermost being, ...

Now it's that time again and we're reaching the first portal day of this month (a total of 6 items will reach us this month: August 03rd, 08th, 16th, 19th, 24th). This portal day also continues something that started last month, namely the current stormy energetic environment. As far as this is concerned, especially with regard to the energetic influences, the cosmic radiation, the increase in the planetary vibration frequency, the measured values ​​have been higher than ever before for several weeks. ...

Today it's that time again and we're reaching the sixth portal day this month. For this reason, we can prepare for a day when it will be stormy again overall, and I wouldn't be surprised if the weather went crazy again today and there were an awful lot of chemtrails (none conspiracy theory) decorate our sky. Especially on days when increased cosmic radiation reaches us, a lot is done to mitigate these incoming frequencies. A lot of people in my social circle have already observed this phenomenon. ...

So now the time has come and after a long break we are back to the next portal day, to be precise the first portal day of this month. In this context, the “lean portal day” month of June only gave us 2 portal days, the last of which occurred on June 14, 2017. This month there are a few more. For this reason, we received 7 portal days this month, all spread over the entire month, with most of them reaching us in the middle to the end of the month. Since there have been no Portal Day articles for a few weeks now, but a few new followers have been added and for this reason questions have arisen again in this regard, I would like to take this opportunity to briefly explain what these Portal Days are all about. ...

The stormy month of March is over and now the month of April has reached us, a month in which we humans can achieve a great deal again. For 12 days now the sun has been our new astrological ruler of the year and it stands for vitality, joie de vivre, success, happiness, life energy and harmony. Because of this, the following months will be extremely positive for all of us. In this context, the sun is currently unfolding its effect as the regent of the year and we can therefore expect very positive times. We can now easily realize our own goals and dreams, being able to create a life that is completely in line with our own ideas. ...