Since time immemorial, partnerships have been an aspect of human life that we feel receives our most attention and is also of incredible importance. Partnerships fulfill unique salvific purposes, because within ...

Because of their own spiritual origins, every person has a plan that was created countless incarnations before and also, before an upcoming incarnation, contains corresponding new or even old tasks that have to be mastered/experienced in the coming life. This can refer to the most varied of experiences that a soul in turn has in one ...

In this high-frequency age, more and more people meet their soul mates or become aware of their soul mates, whom they have met again and again for countless incarnations. On the one hand, people encounter their twin soul again, a complex process that is usually associated with a great deal of suffering, and as a rule they then encounter their twin soul. I explain the differences between the two soul connections in detail in this article: "Why twin souls and twin souls are not the same (twin soul process - truth - soul mate)". ...

Nowadays, more and more people are conscious of their twin soul or even their twin soul due to the newly begun cosmic cycle, the newly begun platonic year. Every person has such soul partnerships, which have also existed for thousands of years. We humans have encountered our own dual or twin soul countless times in this context in past incarnations, but due to the times when low vibration frequencies dominated the planetary circumstance, the corresponding soul partners could not become aware that they are such. ...

The current time, in which we humans are becoming more sensitive and conscious due to a drastic increase in vibrational frequency, ultimately leads to so-called new partnerships/love relationships emerge from the shadow of the old earth. These new love relationships are no longer based on old conventions, constraints and deceptive conditions, but are based quite simply on the principle of unconditional love. More and more people who also belong together are currently being brought together. Many of these couples have already met in past centuries/millennia, but due to the energetically dense circumstance at that time, an unconditional and free partnership never came about. ...

We humans have always experienced phases in which we experience strong separation pains. Partnerships fall apart and at least one partner usually feels deeply hurt. Usually one even feels lost in such times, experiences depressive moods depending on the intensity of the relationship, sees no light at the end of the horizon and sinks into hopeless chaos. Especially in the current Age of Aquarius, there are increased separations, simply because the planetary vibration frequency is continuously increasing due to a cosmic realignment (solar system enters a high-frequency area of the galaxy). ...

Jealousy is a problem that is very present in many relationships. Jealousy harbors a few serious problems that in many cases can even lead to relationships breaking up. In most cases, both partners in a relationship suffer because of jealousy. The jealous partner often suffers from compulsive control behavior, he restricts his partner massively and keeps himself imprisoned in a low mental construct, a mental construct from which he derives a great deal of suffering. In the same way, the other part suffers from the jealousy of the partner. He is increasingly cornered, deprived of his freedom and suffering from the jealous partner's pathological behavior. ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!