Tomorrow, i.e. on December 07th, 2018, it will be that time again and in all probability a day will arrive that will be accompanied by an extremely special and, above all, powerful energy quality. On the one hand, we receive a portal tag (these are Mayan days associated with strong energetic movements – the veil to our true inner self, often referred to in this context as other dimensions/states of consciousness, is thinning) ...
New beginning
Don't concentrate all your strength on fighting the old, but rather on shaping the new." This quote comes from the Greek philosopher Socrates and is intended to point out to us that we humans do not use our strength to fight the old (old, past living conditions ) should be wasted, but new ones instead ...
Today's daily energy on January 26, 2018 stands for the creation of new living conditions and can therefore mean that, especially for idealistic people, treading new paths in life. Above all, the manifestation of corresponding goals is important ...
Today's daily energy on January 16, 2018 basically stands for a new start, which in turn can lay the foundation for the creation of a state of consciousness in which a higher form of existence becomes manifest. In this context, the current time generally stands for change, stands for a change in countless structures and challenges us almost every day to create a life, ...
Every year we reach the magical 12 rough nights (also known as Glöckelnächte, Innernächt, Rauchnächt or Christmas), which last on the night of Christmas Eve, i.e. from December 25th to January 6th (six days before and six days after the New Year - for some, however, these days begin as early as December 21st) and are accompanied by a strong energetic potential. In this context, the rough nights were also considered holy nights by our ancestors (The information of holiness), which is why we celebrated extensively on these nights and devoted ourselves to the family. ...
Today's daily energy on October 12 stands for access to the core of things, for our connection to the entire creation and consequently also for our own spiritual presence, which in turn can experience a power of initiation and inspiration today. For this reason, today's daily energy also embodies in a certain way a process of birth, a powerful new beginning that encompasses all aspects of our being and brings us a little closer ...
As mentioned in my article yesterday about the current increase in vibration, some people have experienced stormy times in the past few weeks. The energetic influences were of great intensity and much that was not in harmony with our own soul, with our own intentions, now came to the fore more strongly than ever and subsequently put a strain on our own mind/body/spirit system. Whether it was unresolved inner conflicts, mental problems, various remaining shadows, all of this was catapulted into our own daily consciousness with dramatic speed during this time and asked us to look into our innermost being ...
All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!