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Today's daily energy on April 16, 2018 is shaped by various influences. In particular, the influences of the new moon (beginning in the zodiac sign Aries - at 03:56 a.m.) have an impact on us, causing new life circumstances or even decisions, thought patterns, behavior, etc. Move to the front. Since it is also a new moon in the zodiac sign Aries, our feelings could also be in the ...

Today's daily energy on January 26, 2018 stands for the creation of new living conditions and can therefore mean that, especially for idealistic people, treading new paths in life. Above all, the manifestation of corresponding goals is important ...

Today's daily energy on January 16, 2018 basically stands for a new start, which in turn can lay the foundation for the creation of a state of consciousness in which a higher form of existence becomes manifest. In this context, the current time generally stands for change, stands for a change in countless structures and challenges us almost every day to create a life, ...

Only a few more days and then the intense, stormy but also partly insightful and inspiring year of 2017 will end. At the end of the year, we think about good resolutions for the coming year and usually want to leave behind old burdens, internal conflicts and other stuck ones Discard/clean up life patterns in the new year. However, these New Year's resolutions are rarely implemented. ...