Today's daily energy on December 04, 2018 is on the one hand influenced by the lingering influences of yesterday's portal day (otherwise completely ignored - only became aware of it thanks to a few hints - the next portal days will reach us on the following days: 7th 14th 15th 22nd 28th) ...
As has often been said about “everything is energy”, the core of every human being is of a spiritual nature. The life of a person is therefore also a product of his own mind, i.e. everything arises from his own mind. Spirit is therefore also the highest authority in existence and is responsible for the fact that we humans as creators can create circumstances/states ourselves. As spiritual beings, we have some special features. ...
As in my last article regarding the current mood of change mentioned above, there is currently an ever more natural and sensitive feeling among the population. In doing so, we experience a massive expansion of our own state of consciousness and, as a result, not only acquire a much more pronounced interest in fundamental spiritual approaches, but also see through ...
Everything is existence has an individual frequency state. In exactly the same way, every human being has a unique frequency. Since our entire life is ultimately a product of our own state of consciousness and is consequently of a spiritual/mental nature, one also likes to speak of a state of consciousness that in turn vibrates at an individual frequency. The frequency state of our own mind (our state of being) can “increase” or even “decrease”. Negative thoughts/circumstances of any kind lower our own frequency for that matter, making us feel more sickly, unbalanced and exhausted. ...
By now most people should know that going for a walk or spending time in nature can have a very positive effect on your own spirit. In this context, a wide variety of researchers have already found out that daily trips through our forests can have a very positive effect on the heart, our immune system and, above all, our psyche. Apart from the fact that this also strengthens our connection to nature + makes us a little more sensitive, ...
Today's daily energy on September 23, 2017 is accompanied by strong cosmic influences. In the last few days/weeks I had the suspicion that today, when a very special star constellation reached us, the energetic influences would be of high intensity. Ultimately, this has now come true and the influences today are of a very intense nature. ...
In nature we can see fascinating worlds, unique habitats that have a high vibrational frequency at their core and for this reason have an inspiring effect on our own mental state. Places such as forests, lakes, oceans, mountains and co. have an extremely harmonious, calming, relaxing effect and can help us to find our own center again. At the same time, natural places can have a healing influence on our own organism. In this context, several scientists have already found that simply taking a daily walk through the forest can massively reduce your own risk of a heart attack. ...
All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!