
As we have already mentioned several times, we have been experiencing permanent increases in vibration frequency for several years, which in turn promote a massive further development of the collective state of consciousness. These frequency increases are due to special cosmic circumstances and ensure an increase in our own sensitive abilities, making us clearer, sharper, ...

Because of our own spiritual ground or because of our own mental presence, each human being is a powerful creator of his own circumstance. For this reason we are, for example, also able to create a life that in turn corresponds completely to our own ideas. Apart from that, we humans also exert an influence on the collective state of consciousness, or better said, depending on spiritual maturity, depending on the degree of one's own state of consciousness (the more one is aware, for example, that one exerts a strong influence, ...

The power of one's own mind is limitless, so ultimately the entire life of a person is just a projection + a result of their own state of consciousness. With our thoughts we create our own life, we can act in a self-determined manner and subsequently also deny our further path in life. But there is still a far greater potential slumbering in our thoughts, and it is also possible to develop so-called magical abilities. Whether telekinesis, teleportation or even telepathy, at the end of the day they are all impressive skills, ...

You are important, unique, something very special, a powerful creator of your own reality, an impressive spiritual being who in turn has enormous intellectual potential. With the help of this powerful potential that lies dormant deep within each human being, we can create a life that corresponds completely to our own ideas. Nothing is impossible, on the contrary, as mentioned in one of my last articles, there are basically no limits, only the limits that we create ourselves. Self-imposed limits, mental blocks, negative beliefs that ultimately stand in the way of realizing a happy life. ...

Spirit rules over matter and not vice versa. A realization that is currently due to very special cosmic circumstances (cosmic cycle), reached countless people. More and more people are recognizing their true origins again, dealing with the limitless capabilities of their own minds and understanding again that consciousness is the highest authority in existence. Everything in this context arises out of consciousness. With the help of consciousness and the resulting thoughts, we create our own reality, create and change our own lives. This aspect of creation makes us humans very powerful. ...

The power of our own thoughts is limitless. There is nothing, really nothing, in this world that cannot be realized, even if there are of course trains of thought whose realization we strongly doubt, thoughts that may seem completely abstract or even unreal to us. But thoughts represent our origin, the entire world in this context is just an immaterial projection of our own state of consciousness, our own world/reality that we can create/change with the help of our own thoughts. The entire existence is based on thoughts, the entire current world is the product of various creators, people who are constantly shaping/reshaping the world with the help of their consciousness. ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!