≡ Menus

of Love

The current time, in which we humans are becoming more sensitive and conscious due to a drastic increase in vibrational frequency, ultimately leads to so-called new partnerships/love relationships emerge from the shadow of the old earth. These new love relationships are no longer based on old conventions, constraints and deceptive conditions, but are based quite simply on the principle of unconditional love. More and more people who also belong together are currently being brought together. Many of these couples have already met in past centuries/millennia, but due to the energetically dense circumstance at that time, an unconditional and free partnership never came about. ...

Recently there has been talk of a war between light and darkness. The claim is made that we are in such a war, an immaterial war that has been going on on a subtle level for thousands of years and is about to reach its climax. In this context, the light has been in the weaker position for thousands of years, but now this force is to become stronger and drive out the darkness. ...

I decided to create this article because a friend recently drew my attention to an acquaintance on his friends list who kept writing how much he hated everyone else. When he told me about it, irritated, I pointed out to him that this cry for love was just an expression of his lack of self-love. Ultimately, every human being just wants to be loved, wants to experience a feeling of security and charity. ...

Seen in this way, the soul is the true self of a person. The soul also represents the high-vibrational, energetically light or rather the kind-hearted core of a person. As soon as a person does something good, acts from their heart and helps other people unconditionally, then this person creates their reality at that moment out of his soul. Of course, one's own reality arises from consciousness and the resulting thoughts, but this creation/design of one's own life is ultimately massively influenced by our soul or our ego (ego = negative core = low frequencies - judgements, hatred, jealousy, low behavior | Soul = Positive Core = High Frequencies, Love, Harmony, Compassion, Higher Emotions and Behaviors ). ...

We humans have always experienced phases in which we experience strong separation pains. Partnerships fall apart and at least one partner usually feels deeply hurt. Usually one even feels lost in such times, experiences depressive moods depending on the intensity of the relationship, sees no light at the end of the horizon and sinks into hopeless chaos. Especially in the current Age of Aquarius, there are increased separations, simply because the planetary vibration frequency is continuously increasing due to a cosmic realignment (solar system enters a high-frequency area of ​​the galaxy). ...

The month of December has so far been a very harmonious and, above all, energetic month for most people. The cosmic radiation was constantly high, many people were able to deal with their own primal cause and old mental and karmic problems/entanglements could be worked through. That's exactly how this month served our personal spiritual development. Things that may still have weighed on us or were no longer associated with our own spirit, with our own vibration frequency, sometimes experienced a drastic change. ...

A lot of people are currently confronted with the topic of self-healing or the inner healing process. This topic is gaining more and more attention because, firstly, more people are coming to the realization that one can heal oneself completely, i.e. free oneself from all diseases, and secondly, because of the now advanced cosmic cycle, more and more people are dealing with the system and necessarily again highly effective remedies and healing methods come into contact. Nevertheless, our self-healing powers in particular are becoming more and more important and are being recognized by more people.  ...