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It may sound crazy, but your life is all about you, your personal mental and emotional development. One should not confuse this with narcissism, arrogance or even egoism, on the contrary, this aspect relates much more to your divine expression, to your creative abilities and above all to your individually oriented state of consciousness - from which your current reality also arises . For this reason, you always have the feeling that the world only revolves around you. No matter what may happen in a day, at the end of the day you are back in your own ...

Because of a complex cosmic interplay we humans have been in an important process of spiritual awakening for years now. Overall, this process raises the spiritual/spiritual quotient of our human civilization, increases the vibration frequency of the collective state of consciousness and grants us humans a complete training of our own mental + spiritual abilities. We become more sensitive about things, live more consciously and, in an autodidactic way, learn to know fundamental connections regarding our own origin (the big questions of life). ...

Recently there has been talk of a war between light and darkness. The claim is made that we are in such a war, an immaterial war that has been going on on a subtle level for thousands of years and is about to reach its climax. In this context, the light has been in the weaker position for thousands of years, but now this force is to become stronger and drive out the darkness. ...

The term light worker or light warrior is currently becoming more and more popular and the term appears frequently, especially in spiritual circles. People who have increasingly dealt with spiritual topics, especially in recent years, could not avoid this term in this context. But even outsiders who have only had vague contact with these topics have often become aware of this term. The word lightworker is heavily mystified and some people imagine it to be something completely abstract. However, this phenomenon is absolutely not uncommon. ...

Light and love are 2 expressions of creation that have an extremely high vibrational frequency. Light and love are essential for human flourishing. Above all, the feeling of love is vital for a human being. A person who does not experience any love and grows up in a completely cold or hateful environment suffers massive mental and physical damage. In this context there was also the cruel Kaspar Hauser experiment in which newborns were separated from their mothers and then completely isolated. The aim was to find out whether there is an original language that humans would naturally learn. ...

The intuitive mind is deeply anchored in the material shell of every human being and ensures that we can interpret/understand/feel events, situations, thoughts, emotions and events precisely. Because of this mind, every person is able to sense events intuitively. One can better assess situations and become more receptive to higher knowledge that flows directly from the source of infinite consciousness. Furthermore, a stronger connection to this mind ensures that we can more easily legitimize sensitive thinking and actions in our own minds.  ...

Since the beginning of life, our existence has been constantly shaped and accompanied by cycles. Cycles are everywhere. There are known smaller and larger cycles. Apart from that, however, there are still cycles that elude the perception of many people. One of these cycles is also called the cosmic cycle. The cosmic cycle, also called the platonic year, is basically a 26.000 thousand year cycle that is bringing about significant changes for all of humanity. ...