≡ Menus


Within today's density-based world, in which more and more people are finding their own true source and are experiencing a fundamental renewal of their own mind, body and soul systems (from the density into the light/light), it is becoming increasingly apparent to many that aging, illness and physical decay are symptoms of a permanent over-poisoning that we always intoxicate ourselves with ...

In today's world, many people struggle with a wide variety of allergic diseases. Whether it is hay fever, an animal hair allergy, various food allergies, a latex allergy or even an allergy ...

The topic of self-healing has been on the minds of more and more people for several years. In doing so, we come into our own creative power and realize that we are not only responsible for our own suffering (we have, at least as a rule, created the cause ourselves), ...

The fact that cancer has been curable for a long time has been made accessible to more and more people since the newly begun Age of Aquarius - in which all structures based on disinformation are dissolved. More and more people are dealing with various alternative healing methods and are coming to the important conclusion that cancer is a disease ...

In today's low-frequency world (or rather in the low-vibrational system) we humans fall ill again and again with the most diverse illnesses. This circumstance – say, from time to time to be succumbed to a flu infection or even to another illness for a few days, is nothing special, in fact it is even normal for us in a certain way. That's exactly how it's completely normal for us that certain people nowadays ...

Self-healing is a phenomenon that has become increasingly popular in recent years. In this context, more and more people are becoming aware of the power of their own thoughts and are realizing that healing is not a process that is activated from the outside, but a process that takes place within our own mind and subsequently within ours body takes place. In this context, every person has the potential to heal themselves completely. This usually works when we realize a positive alignment of our own state of consciousness again, when we old traumas, negative early childhood events or karmic baggage, ...

Nowadays it is considered normal to repeatedly fall ill with a wide variety of illnesses. It is normal in our society to occasionally get sick with the flu, suffer from a cough and runny nose, or generally suffer from chronic diseases such as high blood pressure in the course of life. Especially in old age, a wide variety of diseases become noticeable, the symptoms of which are usually treated with highly toxic medication. In most cases, however, this only creates further problems. However, the cause of the corresponding diseases is ignored. ...