For about two and a half months I have been going to the forest every day, harvesting a wide variety of medicinal plants and then processing them into a shake (Click here for the first medicinal plant article – Drinking the Forest – How it all began). Since then my life has changed in a very special way ...

Today's daily energy represents auspicious trading and could bring us gains or greater fortunes. The focus is on undertakings that could now bear fruit. For this reason we should use today's daily energetic influences to make plans or even tackle new projects. On the other hand, today's daily energy also gives us ...

In today's low-frequency world (or rather in the low-vibrational system) we humans fall ill again and again with the most diverse illnesses. This circumstance – say, from time to time to be succumbed to a flu infection or even to another illness for a few days, is nothing special, in fact it is even normal for us in a certain way. That's exactly how it's completely normal for us that certain people nowadays ...

The subconscious is the largest and most hidden part of our own mind. Our own programming, i.e. beliefs, convictions and other important ideas about life, are anchored in it. For this reason, the subconscious is also a special aspect of a human being, because it is responsible for creating our own reality. As I have often mentioned in my texts, a person's entire life is ultimately a product of their own mind, their own mental imagination. Here one also likes to speak of an immaterial projection of our own mind. ...

The human body is a complex and sensitive organism that reacts strongly to all material and immaterial influences. Smaller negative influences are enough to throw our organism out of balance. One aspect would be negative thoughts, for example, which not only weaken our immune system, but also have a very negative impact on our organs, cells and overall on our body's biochemistry, even on our DNA (Essentially even negative thoughts are the cause of every disease). For this reason, the development of diseases can occur extremely quickly. ...

Every person has their own mind, a complex interplay of consciousness and subconsciousness from which our current reality arises. Our consciousness is crucial for shaping our own lives. Only with the help of our consciousness and the thought processes that arise from it does it become possible to create a life that corresponds to our own ideas. In this context, your own mental imagination is crucial for the realization of your own thoughts on a “material” level. ...

In nature we can see fascinating worlds, unique habitats that have a high vibrational frequency at their core and for this reason have an inspiring effect on our own mental state. Places such as forests, lakes, oceans, mountains and co. have an extremely harmonious, calming, relaxing effect and can help us to find our own center again. At the same time, natural places can have a healing influence on our own organism. In this context, several scientists have already found that simply taking a daily walk through the forest can massively reduce your own risk of a heart attack. ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!