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In today's world, many people struggle with a wide variety of allergic diseases. Whether it is hay fever, an animal hair allergy, various food allergies, a latex allergy or even an allergy ...

The topic of self-healing has been on the minds of more and more people for several years. In doing so, we come into our own creative power and realize that we are not only responsible for our own suffering (we have, at least as a rule, created the cause ourselves), ...

Strong electromagnetic influences have been reaching us for several weeks, which is why we are in a phase of transformation and purification. Admittedly, this phase has been going on for several years, but we have been experiencing constant increases in intensity in this regard for years (it is becoming increasingly more revealing, but also more stormy - on the one hand also on the attributed to collective mental expansion). At times, this could be very distressing ...

A few days ago I published the first part of a series of articles about healing one's own ailments. In the first part (Here is the first part) the exploration of one's own suffering and the associated self-reflection. I have also drawn attention to the importance of realigning one's own spirit in this self-healing process and, above all, how to achieve a corresponding mental ...

In today's world, many people are struggling with various ailments. This does not only refer to physical illnesses, but mainly to mental illnesses. The currently existing sham system is designed in such a way that it promotes the development of a wide variety of ailments. Of course, at the end of the day we humans are responsible for what we experience and good or bad luck, joy or sorrow are born in our own mind. The system only supports - for example by spreading fears, the confinement in a performance-oriented and precarious ...

Now it's that time again and tomorrow, March 17th, we'll have a new moon in the zodiac sign Pisces, to be precise it's the third new moon this year. The new moon is supposed to become “active” at 14:11 p.m. and is all about healing, acceptance and, as a result, our own self-love, which at the end of the day is with you ...

Everything in existence is made of energy. There is nothing that does not consist of this elementary energy source or even arises from it. This energetic web is driven by consciousness, or rather it is consciousness, ...