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Today's daily energy on January 10, 2018 is still under the sign of love due to various inspiring constellations. Our loving nature can be optimally expressed. At the same time, due to the energetic circumstances of the day, one could have a significantly more pronounced vital force, ...

Today's daily energy on January 09th, 2018 is all about love and can make us loving, energetic and, above all, very attractive. In doing so, our own life force could come into its own. Apart from that, today we could also feel a strong need for love and long for the opposite sex. The reason for these effects is a conjunction between the Sun and Venus ...

Today's daily energy on January 06, 2018 is accompanied by an impressive five harmonic lunar constellations. Such a circumstance is more of a rarity and represents a downright special feature. Ultimately, valuable energetic influences reach us today, which by and large affect happiness, vitality, well-being, love,  ...

Today's daily energy on December 28, 2017 is particularly characterized by a connection between Mars (Scorpio) and Neptune (Pisces) and therefore points out to us in a special way that the warrior in us (Mars) is connected to the high divine ( Neptune) can harmonize. Of course, our martial aspect does not represent violence, but rather our courage, our assertiveness, our inner strength and the strength to cope with things that may require a lot of energy and attention from us.

Our inner strength

Often it is anything but easy for us to take new paths in life or even initiate major changes. For this reason, we “like” to remain in self-imposed mental entanglements and delay ending them. Instead of giving life a new shine, being courageous, facing our own fears or even our own shadows, we don't dare to step out of our comfort zone and instead give in to our usual everyday mental patterns. At the end of the day, our martial aspect, our inner strength, does not dissolve and is just waiting to be developed by us again. So we always have moments in which we feel the strong urge to change our lives. This strength only disappears in the rarest of cases (people who have completely given up on themselves) and reminds us again and again of what we actually want to achieve/manifest in life. A happy, harmonious and contented life in which we have broken all of our self-imposed limits and created a circumstance that corresponds to our ideas.

In order to be able to manifest a life that completely corresponds to our ideas, heart's desires and innermost intentions, it is important to accept our current life circumstances as they are, instead of repressing them over and over again..!!

Ultimately, the warrior in us or our inner strength, our courage and our active actions can harmonize with our divine aspects, especially since the development and use of our inner strength paves a path that leads us to our divine source.

Again 4 harmonious star constellations

Again 4 harmonious star constellationsOf course, our divinity can never go out or even disappear completely, it just has to be recognized + manifested again in our own life and this usually happens when we face life, perhaps even accept life in order to subsequently be able to create circumstances. that are in harmony with our spiritual desires and intentions. The trine between Mars and Neptune (06:58 a.m.) can therefore support us in the project of connecting our martial aspects with our divine core. Apart from that, this constellation also means that a stronger instinctual life predominates, especially in the afternoon, but this is dominated by our mind. Our imagination is also stimulated by this constellation and we are open to the environment. At 07:22 a.m. the moon once again moved into the zodiac sign Taurus, which means that we can firstly preserve and increase money and possessions and, at the same time, we are strongly focused on our family and our home. However, this constellation can also cause us to cling to habits and enjoyment takes priority. At 09:02 a.m. a trine between the Moon and Saturn (Capricorn) became active, giving us a greater sense of responsibility, organizational talent and sense of duty. Goals that have been set are pursued with care and consideration. At 14:37 p.m. we reach another trine, namely between the Moon and Venus (Capricorn). This connection is a good aspect in terms of love and marriage.

Today there are 4 harmonious star constellations affecting us, which is why it could certainly be a day on which we could manifest happiness, harmony and inner peace more easily..!!

As a result, our feeling of love becomes strong and we appear adaptable, courteous and have a cheerful state of mind. Last but not least, at 19:46 p.m. we reach a trine between the Moon and the Sun (Capricorn), which could give us happiness in general, success in life, health well-being and increased vitality. Ultimately, 4 harmonious star constellations reach us today, which means it could definitely be a day on which we could accomplish a lot. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Star Constellation Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2017/Dezember/28

Today's daily energy on December 08th, 2017 stands for our life force and our success, which we can in turn attract into our lives by clearing up all the conflicts that prevent us from being able to mentally be in abundance, harmony, happiness and peace. In this context, we always attract circumstances into our lives that also correspond to the nature and orientation of our own state of consciousness.

Success and vitality are in the foreground

Success and vitality are in the foregroundA person who is constantly dissatisfied with his life, is unhappy, suffers from depressive moods, has some conflicts with him, i.e. conflicts that at the end of the day keep our mind trapped in a low frequency state, then in such moments we prevent the full use of our mind own life force and miss the chance to lead a successful and happy life. In this regard, I have often mentioned in my articles that we can only attract abundance into our lives again when we reorient our own state of consciousness towards abundance, when we keep our thinking positive and no longer from a state of deficiency act out. However, this is easier said than done and if you suffer from some mental blockages and have a lot of internal conflicts within you, which in turn reduce staying at a high frequency, then it will usually not be possible to regain your own mental state within a few moments to be completely realigned. On the contrary, in order to be able to do this again, self-overcoming, conflict resolution and active action are required. It's also about self-control and the associated growth, or rather, it's about growing beyond yourself. For example, if you are suffering from unresolved mental problems, for example, you have been putting things back and forth in front of you for years, then these unresolved conflicts are constantly draining part of your life energy, putting a strain on you and ensuring that your mind is negatively aligned overall.

If you find your here and now unbearable and it makes you unhappy, then there are three options: leave the situation, change it or accept it completely. If you want to take responsibility for your life, then you have to choose one of these three options and you have to make the choice now - Eckhart Tolle..!!

The only way you can remedy this situation is to finally address the aspects that have been pushed back and forth in front of you instead of repeatedly repressing them. The realignment of your mind, i.e. standing in abundance, is only possible if you clear up your conflicts.

In order to be able to realign our own mind again, i.e. to be able to act from a fullness consciousness again, it is usually absolutely necessary to bring about a restructuring of our own state of consciousness through self-overcoming, conflict resolution and active action..!!

If you are dissatisfied with a workplace situation and suffer psychologically as a result (even if you earn a lot of money in the process - you are not experiencing abundance, because abundance is characterized by harmony, love, mental stability, self-love and satisfaction - that is true abundance), or if, for example, you suffer from a relationship that is based on dependencies, if you are addicted to certain substances and simply cannot free yourself from them, then you can only act from an abundance awareness by using them Clear up any inconsistencies once and for all.

4 harmonious connections at work

4 harmonious connections at workOf course, it's always about accepting your own circumstances exactly as they are, but if this isn't possible for you then there are 2 options: Leave the situation or change it completely. Well, today is definitely perfect for changing your own circumstances and being able to manifest more life force in your own reality again. Today we have 5 harmonious star constellations, which is usually rare and can definitely have a very positive effect on us. As far as this is concerned, a trine between the sun and moon reached us starting at 00:14 a.m., which could generally bring us happiness, life success, health well-being, vitality, harmony with parents and family and agreement with our partner. At 15:12 p.m. we will again experience a trine between the Moon and Uranus, which means that great attention, persuasiveness, ambition and an original spirit are in the foreground. We can break new ground during this time and can also be accompanied by goal-oriented thinking and ingenuity. At 18:20 p.m. we reach another trine, namely between the Moon and Mercury, which means that we can demonstrate a great ability to learn, a good mind, quick wit, a talent for languages ​​and good judgment. Our intellectual abilities will then be more developed and we will definitely be open to new things. At 21:49 p.m. a connection, i.e. another trine between the Moon and Saturn, becomes active, which on the one hand makes us more responsible, but on the other hand can also be responsible for us pursuing our goals with care and consideration.

Since there are 5 harmonious connections at work today, we can definitely prepare ourselves for happy moments, success and vitality. It is truly a harmonious day..!!

Last but not least, we also get a positive connection between the Moon and Mars, which can trigger great willpower, courage, energetic action, adventurous spirit, activity and a love for the truth in us. Ultimately, there are a lot of positive star constellations at work and we should definitely allow ourselves to be guided by these positive energies and, if necessary, manifest aspects again that have been lingering in our own minds as unresolved thoughts for some time. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Star Constellation Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2017/Dezember/8

Today's daily energy on December 07th, 2017 will be accompanied by another strong energetic boost after yesterday's portal day and can continue to shake up our own mind/body/spirit system. On the other hand, today's daily energy is also about reflection and can show us our own beliefs, convictions and actions in a special way.


Another huge boost

Source: http://www.praxis-umeria.de/kosmischer-wetterbericht-der-liebe.html

Another huge increase

Depending on the quality of our current state of consciousness, high frequency circumstances can generally show us all types of behavior and serve as a mirror, as they transport all of our shadow parts into our daytime consciousness and ask us to provide space for more harmony or high frequencies. Otherwise, as has been mentioned many times, we would remain permanently in a low frequency and would not be able to master a transition into the 5th dimension, i.e. into a higher state of consciousness. The current high-energy circumstance, which is in the process of transporting us into a golden age, inevitably leads to a real liberation process and ensures that we humans recognize and discard/redeem all of our negative parts, which then makes it possible for us again to to become spiritually free. All of our self-imposed mental blockages consistently encourage us to stay in a low frequency and rob us of our freedom. We cannot be completely free, we cannot focus on the present moment and instead draw suffering from past conflict situations, i.e. situations from which we cannot yet separate ourselves. Letting go is therefore, as always, a key word.

Only when we humans let go of all past conflict situations and release them will it be possible for us to create space for harmonious life situations..!! 

Only when we can let go of our past or all negative past situations, only then will it be possible for us to create space for something new, or rather for new, harmonious and happy life situations, only then will it be possible to live a more carefree life again to be able to lead.

Little going on in the starry sky

Little going on in the starry skyFor this reason, life always serves us as a mirror of our own inner state and how we see/perceive the world is also the nature of our own inner state. The world we perceive is an immaterial/mental projection of our own state of consciousness and subsequently always serves as a reflector. On the other hand, today's daily energy is still accompanied by a sextile between Mars and Saturn (sextile = harmonious connection), a harmonious constellation that will last until tomorrow and gives us great endurance, resilience, boldness, enterprise, courage and can bring a feeling of tirelessness. Otherwise, in the morning, at 10:01 a.m. to be precise, we received a connection between the Moon and Venus (trine = harmonious aspect), which was a very positive aspect with regard to our love or even our married life. During this time, our sense of love was able to be at the forefront and a greater ability to adapt prevailed. At 18:10 p.m., however, a tense opposition between the Moon and Jupiter (opposition = tense aspect) will reach us, i.e. a constellation that can trigger a tendency for extravagance and waste in us.

The effect of the star constellations today can be intensified due to the strong energetic increase..!!

This constellation can also cause conflicts and disadvantages in romantic relationships. As far as our organs are concerned, bile and liver are very vulnerable from this point onwards, which is why alcohol and a diet that is too high in fat or unnatural would be anything but beneficial. On the whole, however, not many star constellations reach us and the day is largely dominated by the huge energetic boost that reached us today. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Star Constellation Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2017/Dezember/7

Today's daily energy on November 22, 2017 stands for the abundance in life, which we humans can only attract into our lives if we change our own spiritual orientation. A state of consciousness that is oriented towards abundance and harmony will also attract this into one's life, and a state of consciousness that is oriented toward lack and disharmony will in turn attract these two destructive states ...