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In today's world, most people lead lives in which God plays either a minor role or almost no role at all. The latter in particular is often the case and so we live in a largely godless world, i.e. a world in which God, or rather a divine existence, is either not taken into account for humans at all or is interpreted in a completely isolating way. Ultimately, this is also related to our energetically dense/low frequency-based system, a system that was firstly created by occultists/Satanists (for consciousness control - suppression of our spirit) and secondly for the development of our own egoistic mind  ...

In the past human history, the most diverse philosophers, scientists and mystics have dealt with the existence of an alleged paradise. A wide variety of questions were always asked. Ultimately, what is paradise all about, could such a thing really exist, or does one reach paradise, if at all, only after death has occurred. Okay, at this point it should be said that death basically does not exist in the form in which we usually imagine it, it is much more a change of frequency, a transition into a new/old world, which although from ...

Today's daily energy once again stands for trust in our own elemental power, stands for our own creative powers and the associated impulses that are currently reaching us almost continuously. In this context, the current phase is also very fast-moving and humanity is experiencing a collective development that is progressing so quickly that it is truly impressive. Everything is evolving at a rapid pace ...

Recently, or for several years now, there has been repeated talk of a so-called Christ consciousness. The whole topic around this term is often strongly mystified, by some church followers or even people who denigrate spiritual topics, even like to call it demonic. Nevertheless, the topic of Christ consciousness has absolutely nothing to do with occultism or even demonic content, ...

There is no creator but the spirit. This quote comes from the spiritual scholar Siddhartha Gautama, who is also known to many people as Buddha (literally: The Awakened One), and basically explains a fundamental principle of our lives. Since time immemorial, people have puzzled about God or even about the existence of a divine presence, a creator or rather a creative authority who is said to have ultimately created the material universe and to be responsible for our existence and our lives. But God is often misunderstood. Many people often view life from a materially oriented worldview and subsequently try to imagine God as something material, for example a “person/figure” that is, firstly, for their own purposes ...

In the course of his life, every person has asked himself what God is or what God could be, whether a supposed God even exists and what creation as a whole is all about. Ultimately, there were very few people who came to groundbreaking self-knowledge in this context, at least that was the case in the past. Since 2012 and the associated, newly started cosmic cycle (beginning of the Age of Aquarius, the platonic year, – 21.12.2012/XNUMX/XNUMX), this circumstance has changed drastically. More and more people are experiencing a spiritual awakening, are becoming more sensitive, are dealing with their own root cause and are gaining self-taught, groundbreaking self-knowledge. In doing so, many people also recognize what God really really is, ...

I am?! Well, what am I after all? Are you a purely material mass, consisting of flesh and blood? Are you a consciousness or a spirit that rules over your own body? Or is one a psychic expression, a soul representing one's self and using consciousness as a tool to experience/explore life? Or are you again what corresponds to your own mental spectrum? That which corresponds to your own beliefs and belief patterns? And what do the words I Am actually mean in this context? ...