At its core, every human being is a powerful creator who has the impressive ability to fundamentally change the outer world or the entire world through his or her spiritual orientation alone. This ability is not only evident from the fact that every experience or every circumstance that has been experienced so far is a product of our own mind ...

Within the overarching quantum leap into awakening, everyone goes through a wide variety of stages, i.e. we ourselves become receptive to a wide variety of information (Information far removed from the previous world view) and as a result, from the heart more and more free, open, unprejudiced and on the other hand we experience the manifestation of new self-images just as continuously. ...

Our own human organism is a complex and, above all, intelligent system that not only can withstand countless serious stresses over the years, but also automatically draws our attention to its current condition again and again. As a product of our own mind, because the current state of our body became unique and ...

Within the current age of awakening, a collective ascent is being operated or worked on from the most diverse levels. The entire circumstance is completely designed for the transformation of all ancient structures, along with the dissolution of the matrix shrouded in darkness. Likewise, more and more levels within our own mind are becoming active. Our entire mind, body and ...

Within today's density-based world, in which more and more people are finding their own true source and are experiencing a fundamental renewal of their own mind, body and soul systems (from the density into the light/light), it is becoming increasingly apparent to many that aging, illness and physical decay are symptoms of a permanent over-poisoning that we always intoxicate ourselves with ...

Within the current overarching Ascension process in which humanity is reconnecting with its sacred self (the highest manifestable image you can bring to life of yourself), many changes happen during the experience of this transformation. In this context, for example, we experience a complete change in our body's biochemistry. ...

For several years we have been in a time of revelation, i.e. a phase of disclosure, unveiling and above all the overarching disclosure of all circumstances, which in turn are based on darkness (3D, lies, disharmony, control, bondage and above all unholiness). Various earlier high cultures saw these times coming, very often there was talk of a coming end time, a phase in which the old world will completely dissolve and accordingly mankind will revive an overarching circumstance, which in turn points to peace, freedom, truthfulness and holiness will be based. ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!