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Today's daily energy on April 13, 2018 is characterized on the one hand by the moon in the zodiac sign Pisces, but on the other hand by five star constellations, four of which are harmonious in nature. In this context, we are literally “gifted” with constellations that stand for love and happiness. ...

Today's daily energy on March 09th, 2018 is particularly influenced by Jupiter, which went retrograde this morning at 05:45 a.m. and since then has been able to give us moments that are accompanied by happiness or moments of happiness (it will be retrograde until May 10th ). In this regard, Jupiter is traditionally considered a “planet of luck” that is associated with all sorts of special properties. So overall he stands for reputation, ...

Today's daily energy on March 06th, 2018 brings us influences that could still make us very passionate and sensual. On the other hand, our own mental abilities are particularly important. So we could have a very bright mind and focus on concrete actions thanks to constructive thinking. At the end of the day we still get influences, ...

Due to the energetically dense world in which we live, we humans often tend to focus on our own unbalanced mental state, i.e. our suffering, which in turn is a result of our materially oriented mind. ...

Now the time has finally come and after a relatively stormy, but also very changeable series of portal days and after a very intensive week and a half, we have now received no more portal days this month. Of course, this does not mean that we can no longer be reached by vibrational thrusts, so the current quantum leap into awakening, the newly started cosmic cycle and the associated "waking-up period" are causing it again and again ...

We humans have always strived to be happy since the beginning of our existence. We try out a lot of things and take the most different and, above all, the most risky paths in order to be able to experience/manifest harmony, happiness and joy in our own lives again. Ultimately, this is also something that gives us a meaning in life, something from which our goals arise. We want to experience feelings of love, feelings of happiness again, ideally permanently, at any time, in any place. However, we often cannot meet this goal. ...

Almost every person strives to create a reality in their life (every person creates their own reality based on their own mental spectrum), which in turn is accompanied by happiness, success and love. At the same time, we all write the most diverse stories and take the most varied of paths in order to be able to achieve this goal. For this reason, we always strive to develop ourselves further, look everywhere for this supposed success, for happiness and always go in search of love. Nevertheless, some people do not find what they are looking for and spend their whole lives in search of happiness, success and love. [continue reading...]