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Depending on age, the human body consists of between 50 - 80% water and for this reason it is very important to drink high quality water every day. Water has fascinating properties and can even have a healing effect on our organism. The problem in our world today, however, is that our drinking water has a very poor structural quality. Water has the special property of reacting to information, frequencies, etc., of adapting to them. Negativity of any kind or low vibration frequencies reduce the quality of the water enormously. ...

Achieving complete mental clarity is a serious endeavor that requires an extremely large number of conditions to be met. The way to achieve this goal is usually very rocky, but the feeling of mental clarity is indescribably beautiful. Your own perception reaches new dimensions, your own state of consciousness is strengthened and emotional, mental and physical ailments/blockages dissolve completely. ...

A person's state of consciousness has a completely individual frequency of vibration. Our own thoughts exert an enormous influence on this vibration frequency, positive thoughts increase our frequency, negative ones reduce it. In exactly the same way, the foods we eat influence our own frequented state. Energetically light foods or foods with an extremely high, natural vital substance content increase our frequency. On the other hand, energetically dense foods, i.e. foods with a low vital substance content, foods that have been chemically enriched, reduce our own frequency. ...

Self-healing is a topic that has become increasingly present in recent years. A variety of mystics, healers and philosophers repeatedly claim that one has the potential to heal oneself completely. In this context, the activation of one's own self-healing powers is often given priority. But is it really possible to heal yourself completely? To be honest, yes, every human being is able to break free from any ailment, to heal themselves completely. These self-healing powers lie dormant in the DNA of every person and are basically just waiting to be activated again in a person's incarnation. ...

Cancer has long been curable, but there are countless remedies and methods that can be used to effectively combat cancer. From cannabis oil to natural germanium, all of these natural substances target this unnatural cell mutation and could start a revolution in medicine. But this project, these natural remedies, are being specifically suppressed by the pharmaceutical industry. ...

Basically, the third eye means an inner eye, the ability to perceive immaterial structures and higher knowledge. In the chakra theory, the third eye is also to be equated with the forehead chakra and stands for wisdom and knowledge. An open third eye refers to the absorption of information from higher knowledge that is bestowed on us. When a person deals intensively with the immaterial universe, ...

Cleaning your own mind means an energetic cleansing of your own consciousness in order to regain complete clarity and bring your own energetic foundation back into balance. Basically, this means the liberation of the body, mind and soul from dark, burdensome, disease-causing energies that are deeply anchored in our material shell. ...