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The issue of chemtrails has been a controversial topic for a number of years, so there are many people who are convinced that our government is spraying us with a toxic chemical soup on a daily basis, while others argue against this and claim that all these preparing streaks in the sky, due to kerosene or even contrails. Ultimately, however, it appears that chemtrails are not fiction made up by any human being, but rather chemical streaks that are sprayed into our atmosphere to contain our own state of consciousness + to create disease. ...

As I have often mentioned in my texts, illnesses always first arise in our own mind, in our own consciousness. Since ultimately the entire reality of a human being is merely a result of his own consciousness, his own thought spectrum (everything arises from thoughts), not only our life events, actions and beliefs/beliefs are born in our own consciousness, but also diseases. In this context, every illness has a spiritual cause. ...

Self-healing is a phenomenon that has become increasingly popular in recent years. In this context, more and more people are becoming aware of the power of their own thoughts and are realizing that healing is not a process that is activated from the outside, but a process that takes place within our own mind and subsequently within ours body takes place. In this context, every person has the potential to heal themselves completely. This usually works when we realize a positive alignment of our own state of consciousness again, when we old traumas, negative early childhood events or karmic baggage, ...

As mentioned several times in my text, the entire world is ultimately just an immaterial/spiritual projection of one's own state of consciousness. Matter therefore does not exist, or is matter something completely different from what we imagine it to be, namely compressed energy, an energetic state that oscillates at a low frequency. In this context, every human being has a completely individual vibration frequency, and one often speaks of a unique energetic signature that changes continuously. For that matter, our own vibrational frequency can increase or decrease. Positive thoughts increase our frequency, negative thoughts decrease it, the result is a burden on our own mind, which in turn puts a heavy strain on our own immune system. ...

The human body is a complex and sensitive organism that reacts strongly to all material and immaterial influences. Smaller negative influences are enough to throw our organism out of balance. One aspect would be negative thoughts, for example, which not only weaken our immune system, but also have a very negative impact on our organs, cells and overall on our body's biochemistry, even on our DNA (Essentially even negative thoughts are the cause of every disease). For this reason, the development of diseases can occur extremely quickly. ...

Love is the basis of all healing. Above all, our own self-love is a crucial factor when it comes to our health. The more we love, accept and accept ourselves in this context, the more positive it will be for our own physical and mental constitution. At the same time, a strong self-love leads to a much better access to our fellow human beings and to our social environment in general. As inside, so outside. Our own self-love is then immediately transferred to our external world. The result is that firstly we look at life again from a positive state of consciousness and secondly, through this effect, we draw everything into our lives that gives us a good feeling. ...

It used to be believed that there were diseases that could not be cured, disease progressions that were so severe that they could no longer be stopped. In such situations, one then came to terms with the corresponding illness and thus succumbed to one's own self-imposed fate. However, the situation has now changed and due to a collective spiritual awakening, attributed to a “Realignment of our solar system“More and more people are becoming aware that every disease can be cured. In this context, more and more lies and intrigues of the corrupt pharmaceutical cabal are currently being uncovered. ...