Insects have been approved as food for a few days, which means that appropriately selected insects can now be processed or integrated in food. This new circumstance brings with it some serious consequences and represents another aspect of keeping humanity captive in a difficult or rather in a burdened mental state. Finally aim ...

Electrosmog is an issue that is getting more and more attention in the current age of awakening, and with good reason. In this context, more and more people are becoming aware that electrosmog is a trigger for numerous mental illnesses (or can promote and also intensify mental illnesses). We are also putting our ...

A few days ago I published the first part of a series of articles about healing one's own ailments. In the first part (Here is the first part) the exploration of one's own suffering and the associated self-reflection. I have also drawn attention to the importance of realigning one's own spirit in this self-healing process and, above all, how to achieve a corresponding mental ...

When the day of purification is near, cobwebs are drawn back and forth across the sky. This quote comes from a Hopi Indian and was taken up at the end of the experimental film "Koyaanisqatsi". This special film, in which there are almost no dialogues or actors, illustrates the human intervention in nature and also the associated unnatural way of life of the system-shaped civilization (humanity in density). In addition, the film draws attention to grievances that could not be more topical, especially in today's world ...

We live in a world where we live in downright overconsumption at the expense of other countries. Due to this abundance, we tend to indulge in corresponding gluttony and consume countless foods. As a rule, the focus is mainly on unnatural foods, because hardly anyone has a massive overconsumption of vegetables and co. (when our diet is natural then we don't get the daily food cravings, we are much more self-controlled and mindful). There are ultimately ...

In today's world, we have become addicted to energetically dense foods, that is, foods that are chemically contaminated. We are not used to it any differently and tend to eat too much ready-made products, fast food, sweets, foods containing gluten, glutamate and aspartame and animal proteins and fats (meat, fish, eggs, milk and co.). Even when it comes to our drink choices, we tend to tend towards soft drinks, very sugary juices (enriched with industrial sugar), milk drinks and coffee. Instead of keeping our body fit with vegetables, fruit, whole grain products, healthy oils, nuts, sprouts and water, we suffer much more from chronic poisoning/overload and thus not only favor it ...

In some of my last articles, I went into detail about why we humans develop various diseases such as cancer and, above all, how one can free oneself from serious diseases (With this combination of healing methods, you can dissolve 99,9% of cancer cells within a few weeks). In this context, every disease is curable, ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!