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Today's daily energy on December 28, 2017 is particularly characterized by a connection between Mars (Scorpio) and Neptune (Pisces) and therefore points out to us in a special way that the warrior in us (Mars) is connected to the high divine ( Neptune) can harmonize. Of course, our martial aspect does not represent violence, but rather our courage, our assertiveness, our inner strength and the strength to cope with things that may require a lot of energy and attention from us.

Our inner strength

Often it is anything but easy for us to take new paths in life or even initiate major changes. For this reason, we “like” to remain in self-imposed mental entanglements and delay ending them. Instead of giving life a new shine, being courageous, facing our own fears or even our own shadows, we don't dare to step out of our comfort zone and instead give in to our usual everyday mental patterns. At the end of the day, our martial aspect, our inner strength, does not dissolve and is just waiting to be developed by us again. So we always have moments in which we feel the strong urge to change our lives. This strength only disappears in the rarest of cases (people who have completely given up on themselves) and reminds us again and again of what we actually want to achieve/manifest in life. A happy, harmonious and contented life in which we have broken all of our self-imposed limits and created a circumstance that corresponds to our ideas.

In order to be able to manifest a life that completely corresponds to our ideas, heart's desires and innermost intentions, it is important to accept our current life circumstances as they are, instead of repressing them over and over again..!!

Ultimately, the warrior in us or our inner strength, our courage and our active actions can harmonize with our divine aspects, especially since the development and use of our inner strength paves a path that leads us to our divine source.

Again 4 harmonious star constellations

Again 4 harmonious star constellationsOf course, our divinity can never go out or even disappear completely, it just has to be recognized + manifested again in our own life and this usually happens when we face life, perhaps even accept life in order to subsequently be able to create circumstances. that are in harmony with our spiritual desires and intentions. The trine between Mars and Neptune (06:58 a.m.) can therefore support us in the project of connecting our martial aspects with our divine core. Apart from that, this constellation also means that a stronger instinctual life predominates, especially in the afternoon, but this is dominated by our mind. Our imagination is also stimulated by this constellation and we are open to the environment. At 07:22 a.m. the moon once again moved into the zodiac sign Taurus, which means that we can firstly preserve and increase money and possessions and, at the same time, we are strongly focused on our family and our home. However, this constellation can also cause us to cling to habits and enjoyment takes priority. At 09:02 a.m. a trine between the Moon and Saturn (Capricorn) became active, giving us a greater sense of responsibility, organizational talent and sense of duty. Goals that have been set are pursued with care and consideration. At 14:37 p.m. we reach another trine, namely between the Moon and Venus (Capricorn). This connection is a good aspect in terms of love and marriage.

Today there are 4 harmonious star constellations affecting us, which is why it could certainly be a day on which we could manifest happiness, harmony and inner peace more easily..!!

As a result, our feeling of love becomes strong and we appear adaptable, courteous and have a cheerful state of mind. Last but not least, at 19:46 p.m. we reach a trine between the Moon and the Sun (Capricorn), which could give us happiness in general, success in life, health well-being and increased vitality. Ultimately, 4 harmonious star constellations reach us today, which means it could definitely be a day on which we could accomplish a lot. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Star Constellation Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2017/Dezember/28

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