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Now it's that time again and tomorrow, March 17th, we'll have a new moon in the zodiac sign Pisces, to be precise it's the third new moon this year. The new moon is supposed to become “active” at 14:11 p.m. and is all about healing, acceptance and, as a result, our own self-love, which at the end of the day is with you ...

Today's daily energy on March 16, 2018 is shaped by influences that allow us to retreat perfectly to recover from all the noise outside. Meditation would be ideal, especially since meditation allows us to calm down and also practice mindfulness. But not only meditations are recommended here, also calming music/frequencies or even longer ones ...

As mentioned several times in my posts, the entire existence or the complete perceptible outer world is a projection of our own current mental state. Our own state of being, one could also say our current existential expression, which in turn is significantly shaped by the orientation and quality of our state of consciousness and also our mental state, ...

As mentioned several times in my articles, everything in existence consists of energetic states, which in turn have a corresponding frequency. In fact, everything in existence is spiritual in nature, in which case spirit is made up of energy and consequently vibrates at an individual frequency. ...

"You can't just wish for a better life. You have to go out and create it yourself”. This special quote contains a lot of truth and makes it clear that a better, more harmonious or even more successful life does not just happen to us, but is much more the result of our actions. Of course you can wish for a better life or dream of a different life situation, that's out of the question. ...

Due to a collective awakening that has been taking on ever greater proportions in recent years, more and more people are dealing with their own pineal gland and, as a result, also with the term "third eye". The third eye/pineal gland has been understood for centuries as an organ of extrasensory perception and is associated with a more pronounced intuition or an expanded mental state. Basically, this assumption is also correct, because an open third eye is ultimately equivalent to an expanded mental state. One could also speak of a state of consciousness in which not only an orientation towards higher emotions and thoughts is present, but also an incipient development of one's own mental potential. ...

Today's daily energy on February 17, 2018 is accompanied by countless star constellations and consequently gives us different influences. Very harmonious constellations reach us - at least in the second half of the day, which is why not only our own life energy/life force will be in the foreground during this time, but also our own spiritual powers. In this context it has a very special effect ...