Nowadays, more and more people are dealing with their own spiritual source due to powerful and, above all, mind-altering processes. All structures are increasingly questioned. ...
The overarching and meanwhile extremely sharpened process of spiritual awakening overtakes more and more people and leads us into ever deeper levels of our own state of being (mind) into. We find more and more to ourselves, ...
As has often been mentioned, we are moving within the "quantum leap into awakening" (current time) towards a primal state in which we have not only completely found ourselves, i.e. have come to the realization that everything arises from within ourselves ...
This article ties directly to a previous article regarding the further development of one's own mindset (click here for the article: Create a new mindset - NOW) and is intended to draw attention to an important matter in particular. ...
In the current phase of spiritual awakening, i.e. a phase in which a transition into a completely new collective mental state takes place (high frequency circumstance, - transition to the fifth dimension 5D = reality based on abundance & love instead of lack & fear), ...
Who are you really? Ultimately, this is the one elementary question that we spend our whole lives trying to find the answer to. Of course, questions about God, the afterlife, questions about all of existence, about the current world, ...
The spirit of a person, which in turn represents one's entire existence, penetrated by one's own soul, has the potential to completely change one's own world and consequently the entire outer world (As inside, so outside). That potential, or rather that fundamental ability, is ...
All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!