As in my last article regarding the current mood of change mentioned above, there is currently an ever more natural and sensitive feeling among the population. In doing so, we experience a massive expansion of our own state of consciousness and, as a result, not only acquire a much more pronounced interest in fundamental spiritual approaches, but also see through ...

I have addressed this topic on my site a few times and yet I keep coming back to it, simply because some people feel downright lost in the current age of awakening. Likewise, many people let the fact that certain elite families completely dominate our planet or the collective state of consciousness ...

Today's daily energy on January 27, 2018 could have a very strong impact on our feelings of love and, as a result, make us receptive to love, depending on the quality and orientation of our current mental state. Our caring, loving and sensitive side is very much in the foreground. In parallel, this feeling of love, which peaks between 14:31 p.m. and 16:31 p.m., could ...

For several years, more and more people have recognized the energetically dense entanglements of a system that is ultimately not interested in the development and further development of our mental state, but rather tries with all its might to keep us captive in an illusion, i.e. in an illusion world in which we in turn live a life in which we not only see ourselves as small and insignificant, yes, ...

In the past human history, the most diverse philosophers, scientists and mystics have dealt with the existence of an alleged paradise. A wide variety of questions were always asked. Ultimately, what is paradise all about, could such a thing really exist, or does one reach paradise, if at all, only after death has occurred. Okay, at this point it should be said that death basically does not exist in the form in which we usually imagine it, it is much more a change of frequency, a transition into a new/old world, which although from ...

In today's world, many people take it for granted that one judges things that in turn do not correspond to one's conditioned and inherited worldview. Many people find it difficult to deal with critical topics in a non-judgmental way. Instead of remaining unbiased and dealing with issues peacefully, people often judge far too quickly. In this context, things are simply put down far too quickly, defamed and, as a result, even ridiculed. Due to one's own egoistic mind (material oriented - 3D mind), ...

For some time now, particularly since December 21, 2012, humanity has been in an overarching process of awakening. This phase heralds the beginning of a tremendous change for our planet, a change that will ultimately lead to the fact that all structures based on lies, disinformation, deception, hatred and greed will gradually disintegrate. A free world will emerge from the ashes of these long-superfluous programs, a world in which global peace and, above all, justice will prevail again. Ultimately, this is not a utopia either, but a golden age that is being ushered in by a current collective awakening ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!