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A person's vibration frequency is crucial for their physical and mental condition. The higher a person's vibration frequency, the more positive the effect it has on their own body. Your own interaction between mind/body/spirit becomes more balanced and your own energetic foundation is increasingly de-densified. In this context there are various influences that can lower your own vibrational state and on the other hand there are influences that can raise your own vibrational state. ...

For several decades, our planet has been hit by countless weather catastrophes. Whether it's severe flooding, strong earthquakes, increased volcanic eruptions, periods of drought, uncontrollable forest fires or even storms of exceptional magnitude, our weather has not seemed to be normal for some time. Admittedly, all of this was predicted hundreds of years ago and natural disasters of a particular magnitude were announced for the years 2012 - 2020 in this context. We humans often doubt these predictions and focus our attention exclusively on our immediate environment. But just in the last few years, in the last decade, there have been more natural disasters than ever before on our planet. ...

Tomorrow it's that time again, on November 21.11.2016st, XNUMX another portal day awaits us. This is the penultimate portal day of this month and coincides with the end of what is known as a Mayan wave. As I have often mentioned in my texts, portal days are days that were predicted by the Maya and point to times when the collective state of consciousness will be flooded with increased cosmic radiation. In this regard, a Mayan wave means a longer section in which our planet is continuously accompanied by an increase in frequency for weeks. ...

Everything in the universe is made of energy, specifically vibrating energetic states or consciousness that has the aspect of being made of energy. Energetic states that in turn oscillate at a corresponding frequency. There are an infinite number of frequencies that differ only in that they are negative or positive in nature (+ frequencies/fields, -frequencies/fields). The frequency of a condition can increase or decrease in this context. Low vibration frequencies always result in a compression of energetic states. High vibration frequencies or frequency increases in turn de-densify energetic states. ...

Puuuuh the last few days have been very intense, nerve-wracking and above all very exhausting for many people due to special cosmic circumstances. First of all there was a portal day on November 13.11th, which meant that we humans were confronted with a strong cosmic radiation. A day later the phenomenon of the supermoon (Full Moon in Taurus), which was intensified due to the previous portal day and raised the planetary frequency of vibration again enormously. Due to this energetic circumstance, these days were very stressful and once again made our own mental and spiritual situation clear to us.   ...

A person's state of consciousness has a completely individual frequency of vibration. Our own thoughts exert an enormous influence on this vibration frequency, positive thoughts increase our frequency, negative ones reduce it. In exactly the same way, the foods we eat influence our own frequented state. Energetically light foods or foods with an extremely high, natural vital substance content increase our frequency. On the other hand, energetically dense foods, i.e. foods with a low vital substance content, foods that have been chemically enriched, reduce our own frequency. ...