Today's daily energy on March 13, 2018 is particularly influenced by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Aquarius at 23:44 p.m. yesterday evening and has since given us influences that stand for helpfulness, brotherhood and our relationships with friends. On the other hand, could The moon is also responsible for social issues affecting us more than usual and, if necessary, us ...

Today's daytime energy, February 13, 2018, is dominated by the Moon, which in turn will move into Aquarius at 16:11 p.m. representing entertainment, brotherhood, and our relationship with friends. Apart from that could ...

Tomorrow (February 7, 2018) the time has come and we will reach the first portal day of this month. Since some new readers are now visiting my website every day, I thought I would briefly explain what the portal days are all about. In this context, we have only received relatively few portal days recently, which is why I generally think it is appropriate to have all of them ...

Today's daily energy on January 20, 2018 can still make us love freedom and consequently stands for freedom, equality and fraternity. Venus is in the zodiac sign Aquarius until February 10th. ...

Today's daily energy on January 18, 2018 stands especially for freedom and could therefore make us all very freedom-loving and progressive. For this reason, there is a high probability that energies will be released within us that could be equated with independence. The daily energetic influences therefore give us the urge to act completely independently in our lives.
Love of freedom and independence
In this context, the urge for freedom or the urge for a spiritual state in which the feeling of freedom is manifest is very present, especially in the current time of change. Instead of constantly living out a mental imbalance, instead of getting trapped in your own self-imposed vicious cycles, you want to break your own shackles again and create a life that completely corresponds to your own ideas. Self-realization is a key word here, because the current time, which, as has often been mentioned, has been shaped by the newly predominant element earth for several weeks, is all about manifestation and self-realization. This circumstance goes hand in hand with today's energetic influences and we should definitely not reject our urge for freedom, but rather pursue it and live out our innermost spiritual ambitions. Ultimately, this urge for freedom can be traced back to Venus, which changed to the zodiac sign Aquarius at 02:43 a.m. in the morning. This connection lasts until February 13, 2018 and can also make us very sincere. In the same way, this connection could trigger in us a resistance to any restrictions. Likewise, an aversion to immoral things could become noticeable in us. For the most part, this constellation makes us freedom-oriented and peace-loving. Apart from this special constellation, no connection is active today, which is why the freedom-loving and progressive influences of Venus predominate in the zodiac sign Aquarius.
Today's daily energy is mainly influenced by Venus in the zodiac sign Aquarius, which not only focuses on our desire for freedom, but also allows us to be progressive in our thinking + independent..!!
The only constellation worth mentioning is the sextile between Jupiter around Pluto on January 16th, which is active for 10 days, i.e. until January 26th, and represents the realization of our ideals, a new start and positive changes overall. Ultimately, this constellation also complements today's Venus connection wonderfully and we can therefore experience a day that is accompanied by freedom, change and progress. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.
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For several years, more and more people have recognized the energetically dense entanglements of a system that is ultimately not interested in the development and further development of our mental state, but rather tries with all its might to keep us captive in an illusion, i.e. in an illusion world in which we in turn live a life in which we not only see ourselves as small and insignificant, yes, ...

Due to our individual creative expression (an individual mental state), from which our own reality arises, we humans are not only the shapers of our own destiny (we do not have to be subject to any supposed destiny, but can take it into our own hands again), are not only creators of our own reality, but we also create based on our own beliefs, ...

All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!