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In recent years, due to the current Age of Awakening, more and more people are becoming aware of the limitless power of their own thoughts. The fact that one draws oneself as a spiritual being from an almost infinite pool, consisting of mental fields, is a special feature. In this context, we humans are also permanently connected to the/our original source, often also as a great spirit, as ...

Like everything in existence, every human being has a completely individual frequency field. This frequency field not only embodies or is made up of our own reality, i.e. our current state of consciousness and our associated radiation, but it also represents ...

The rather exciting and especially stormy/energetic month of August is almost over and now we are approaching September, which in turn brings us completely different influences ...

Today's daily energy on July 11, 2018 is mainly shaped by the influences of the ninth portal day. On the other hand, the moon switches to the zodiac sign Cancer at 19:58 p.m., which supports the development of the pleasant sides of life over the next two to three days. Ultimately, the Cancer Moon is now ideal, especially since there is currently a fairly strong manifestation potential, ...

In today's world, or has been for centuries, people like to be influenced and shaped by external energies. In doing so, we integrate/legitimize the energy of other people in our own mind and let it become a part of our own reality. Sometimes this can be of a very counterproductive nature, for example when we subsequently adopt disharmonious beliefs and beliefs or when these ...

Today's daily energy on April 24, 2018 is characterized on the one hand by countless different star constellations and on the other hand, at least there is a very high probability, by strong electromagnetic impulses. Late in the evening (22:40 p.m.) the moon changes to the zodiac sign Virgo, ...

Today's daily energy on April 23, 2018 is shaped on the one hand by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Leo at 19:08 p.m. yesterday evening, and on the other hand by a single harmonious star constellation. Otherwise there are still Saturn and Pluto ...